Chapter four

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"Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed myself, I haven't done that in awhile." Toni said taking in how she hasn't been out with a man in six years.

"I'm glad you liked it." Sean smiled watching as she got out. "I'll see you around." He said.

"Yes. You will." Toni chuckled before closing the door.

She walked around towards the stairway to the entrance. Sean let out a nervous sigh before he got out the car.

"Does this mean that I can take you on a second date, because I was thinking maybe I could take you and the girls to the fair next week Saturday." Sean spoke up watching her turn around to face him.

She smiled brightly nodding her head.

"I'd love that. Me and Kennedy would love that." Toni said.

Sean smiled just before he walked up to her.

"I was really planning on kissing you tonight, but I don't know if you'd let me." Sean said causing Toni to straighten her face.

He looked down fiddling with his car keys before looking back up and just than Toni placed her hand down on his cheek, before she could do or say anything his arms were around her. She felt her lips awaiting his, as if it were an answer to her question... Sean placed his hand down on her chin pulling her in, she closed her eyes as his lips slowly rested down on hers. Her lips slowly parted as his tongue found it's way into her mouth, it was gentle yet so demanding. They could both taste the savoury wine they had drank earlier. Toni felt her knees become weak, he slowly pulled away and pecked her lips one last time before he smiled placing his forehead against hers.

"Goodnight Toni."

"Goodnight Sean." She simply said still in a daze from their intense kiss.

Two days later

Toni pulled out her binoculars placing it against her eyes. She scanned the home in the distance, a little boy ran out the house with his dog right behind him. A woman smiled swooping him into the car placing a kiss to his cheek. Than there he was...

"Found you..." Toni said with her attention focused on Michael.

He put a couple bags into the woman's trunk shutting it before he walked over to the little boy and gave him a hug ruffling his hair. They said a couple things to each other before the woman got into the car with the boy in toe, Michael smiled waving at them whilst the car reversed out his driveway. Michael walked up to the front door, he looked around causing Toni to raise her eyebrows because it looked suspicious. He typed a code in before he went inside his house.

She sat the binoculars down and into her all black backpack before she grabbed her gun slipping it into her gun strap that was around her right thigh.

"Good evening Kennedy." Sean smiled down at Kennedy that stood next to her grandmother.

"And you must be Toni's sister?" Sean raised his eyebrows curiously.

"No!" Samantha chuckled, "I'm her mother, Samantha." Samantha smiled shaking his hand.

"I would've never guessed." Sean chuckled. "I brought Lexi by because she wanted to come over for a little play date. Don't worry ms Samantha I asked Toni and she said she doesn't mind." Sean stated pulling out his phone before showing Samantha the text.

Samantha nodded.

"Awesome!" Kennedy squealed, "come see my unicorn tea party in my bedroom." Kennedy excitedly said taking Lexi's hand.

The two ran off.

"Be careful!" Sean shouted shaking his head. "If you don't mind me asking, where is Toni?" He asked taking small glances into the house.

"She's not at home at the moment." Samantha said nonchalantly.

Sean nodded, "I can tell her you were looking for her..." Samantha smiled.

"No that won't be necessary." He shook his head, "I hope my daughter being here won't be too much of a problem. I will be back at 7 to pick her up, don't worry I'm never late." He assured.

"The complete opposite of my daughter." Samantha laughed as Sean smiled lightly.

Michael came out his bathroom drying his hair with a towel wrapped around his waist. He heard the kettle go on making him freeze in his tracks and stop what he was doing. The cupboard opening caused him to immediately throw the towels on his bed. He grabbed his boxers off the bed and slipped it on along with his pants. He checked in his drawer realising his gun was missing.

"I found it!" The strangers voice echoed throughout his glass house.

He panicked before he grabbed the baseball bat from behind the door and walked out his bedroom towards the kitchen. Approaching the kitchen he froze in his tracks and looked around and saw no one.

"You won't be needing that."

He spun around and there Toni was, leaning against the wall in the hallway staring at him with her arms folded over her chest.

"Toni." He said barely above a whisper whisper swallowing his saliva.

"Did you miss me?" Toni grinned, "because let me be honest. I really did miss you... all of you." Toni said before straightening her face.

"What are you doing here? Breaking into my house like a criminal, I see you learned a lot from your ex lover Kenny-"

"If I were you I'd watch what I say around a crazy bitch that's out to get revenge against the people that killed the love of her life." Toni calmly said under one breathe.

Michael frowned, "did you kill Lydia?" He asked taking a step back.

"She deserved it didn't she?" Toni shrugged nonchalantly. "I really like that lamp." Toni pointed at the 5 foot marble lamp behind him.

"It's not for sale."

"I wasn't asking." Toni said.

"Why are you here? You want money? I have that I can give you anything you want? What would you like?" Michael begged backing himself against his marble counter behind him.

"Can you bring the dead back to life?" Toni raised her eyebrows.

"No." He spat, "no one can." He groaned in frustration.

"That's what I thought..." She said and in one swift move she removed her gun and pulled the trigger shooting him right in the forehead.

He fell back hitting his head against his counter as he fell right to the ground. Blood began to leave his body as Toni slipped the gun back into her strap carefully walking over him, she unplugged the lamp and picked it up.

"Oh my god this thing is heavy..." She groaned gritting her teeth.

She spun around and raised her eyebrows at the puppy that watched her with its head tilted. Toni groaned dropping the lamp.

"Fine! I'll take you instead." Toni sighed kneeling down as the puppy ran up to her.

She picked the puppy up heading for the door before she spun around.

"Oh but I really want that lamp!" She loudly said putting the dog down running for the lamp.

Cheap Shot: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now