Chapter twenty four

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mis amores, i'm back and i'm also sorry for not updating sooner 🌹

Toni in her desperation ran up to the two officers she saw earlier. They were both men. She roughly grabbed the one's arm causing him to spin around and face her in frustration.

"I'm so sorry to bother you but my daughter is missing. She was last seen in her hospital room and when I came back from- getting some air she was gone!" Toni panicked.

"Okay calm down ma'am I'm sure we can help you if you can just show us to her room."

"There's no time for that! The kidnapper could be miles away how would we know- can you guys please just do your goddamn jobs!" She scolded angrily.

The two men looked between each other before they grabbed Toni whilst Kenny was hiding in the hospital room trying to keep himself hidden.

"Ma'am we need you to calm down." One of the officers calmly spoke while the other held a needle in his hand filled with anesthesia.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down!" Toni yelled "my daughter is g-"  Toni's words got cut off as the officer slowly injected her with the anesthesia slowly making her drowsy causing her to slump.

They looked around making sure nobody saw them before they tossed Toni's arms over their shoulders and walked her out. Kenny stepped out the hospital room in search for Toni and his eyes immediately landed on the two officers that stepped into the elevator, they had someone else along with them. A woman if he wasn't mistaken, once the two officers turned around his eyes immediately widened.

They had Toni!

"Kenny!" The one officer announced pointing towards Kenny.

Kenny immediately spun around and took off running into the other direction.

"You go after him! I'll take her to the van and meet you at the destination, make sure you bring him by!" The other one scolded, the officer nodded removing his gun from his strap as he took off running after Kenny.

"Mommy!" Kennedy cried out as soon as she looked up and saw Toni. "Baby!" Toni let out a sigh as the man she stood by pushed her roughly towards Toni.

"Don't push my daughter!" Toni spat as Kennedy wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Are you okay?" Toni immediately asked bending down to her level. She cupped Kennedy's face and scanned her making sure she had no marks.

"We'd never hurt her detective Braxton, or should I say ex con, criminal, whor-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence in front of my daughter-" Toni looked up and cut herself off, her eyes widened once she realized who it was. "Surprise baby! Long time no see." Omar smirked.

Toni stood up and pulled Kennedy against her.

"I'm surprised you're still alive after that explosion we left for you at your place." Owen spoke up as he came into view.

"You more than anyone should know that you can't get rid of me that easily." Toni said growing angrier by the minute.

"Take her away." Owen instructed referring to Kennedy. "No! Where are you taking her?!" Toni panicked pulling Kennedy against her as the guard came up to the two of them ready to snatch Kennedy from her.

"Mommy! Please! I don't wanna go!" Kennedy began to cry.

"Where she goes I go!" Toni yelled pushing the guard away from them. "I will kill you if you ever lay a single hand on my daughter." Toni groaned through gritted teeth.

"Toni. If you cooperate we'll let you guys go." Omar said, "what do you want from me?" Toni asked. "Answers. We want you to talk-"

"I will not give you a single answ-"

Before she could get her entire sentence out Omar smacked her across her face with his gun meeting her cheekbone. A cut graced her cheekbone as some blood began to drip from it.

"Mommy!" Kennedy yelled in fear as the guard quickly pulled her away from Toni. "Let her go!" Toni shouted ready to grab her back but Omar quickly grabbed her arms.

Toni faced Omar with hate evident in her stare.

"Where is Kenny?"

"I will never tell you." Toni softly said.

Owen and Omar both took a deep breathe trying to call their nerves.

"I am going to ask you again... where is Kenny?"

"I am going to give you the same answer... I will never tell you." Toni spat. "You can hit me all you want, but I will not rat out the ONLY man I've ever loved." Toni hissed looking Omar dead in the eyes.

He sucked his teeth in frustration before he back away from her.

"Kennedy or Kenny?" Omar questioned.

"What?" Toni arched her brow.

"Kennedy or Kenny?" He asked loudly pointing his pistol towards Kennedy.

Toni's eyes immediately widened.

"You choose. You rather tell us-"

"I don't know where he is! I haven't seen him since the explosion!" Toni shouted fearing for her daughters life.

"You're lying."

"I swear I'm not." Toni shook her head.

"Well you are." The officer from the hospital butted in, "me and Sam saw Kenny at the hospital. That's why Sam isn't here yet, he went chasing after Kenny." The officer snitched.

"Snitch." Toni mumbled.

"Just because you lied." Omar smirked.

Toni's eyes went wide as she watched his finger trace over the trigger.

"No!" She yelled jumping towards Omar.


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