Chapter eight

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"I'm afraid of heights." Kennedy said as she buried her face into Toni's chest.

"Me too." Sean said refusing to look down as Lexi looked at the view from the top.

They were now in a ferris wheel. The sun had set and the lights to the fair gave it the perfect touch.

"I can almost see the whole world from up here." Lexi said in awe taking everything in.

Toni chuckled and Kennedy and Sean that sat there as if they were about to have a mental breakdown. Toni took Sean's hand into hers.

"Such a big baby is afraid of heights." Toni laughed, "Toni this isn't a joke. Lexi get away from there-"

"Relax Sean, nothing is going to happen to her." Toni giggled pecking his cheek as she rubbed Kennedy's back.

"She must obviously get that from her dad." Sean said looking at Kennedy.

"No actually, she gets it from my mom." Toni chuckled.

"When is this over?" Kennedy cried impatiently. "It's almost over baby, just be calm think of unicorns and skittles." Toni tried taking her mind off the fact that they were on a ferris wheel.

Soon enough the ride was over, they got off the ferris wheel as Lexi and Toni couldn't help but chuckle at how Kennedy and Sean let out relieved breathes.

"Who'd like some corndogs?" Sean asked.

"I do!" Lexi squealed. "Toni and Kennedy?" Sean raised his eyebrows skeptically.

"Yeah sure." Toni smiled lightly.

"Mommy..." Kennedy weakly said, "yes." Toni looked down at her.

"I don't feel so good." Kennedy said giddy.

"What's wrong?" Toni panicked kneeling down to her level placing her hand down on her forehead.

"I'm nauseas." She faintly said, "maybe that ferris wheel wasn't such a good idea." Sean said walking up to the two of them.

He rubbed her back as Toni looked up at him and nodded.

"Do you feel like vomiting?" Toni asked.

Kennedy nodded placing her hands over her tummy.

"I wanna go home." Kennedy began to cry, "yeah... I think we should do that." Toni nodded in agreement.

Sean nodded, "I'll go buy her a water while you three go wait in the car for me." Sean said as Toni smiled.

He handed her his car keys before he sprinted towards the nearest food stop. Toni took both Lexi and Kennedy's hands in hers and lead them out the carnival area. They walked into the parkinglot reaching Sean's black and white Range Rover. Toni unlocked the car and got the girls settled in. Ready to shut the door just as Sean came jogging up to them. He stopped her from closing the door as he handed Kennedy the Fuji water bottle.

"I'm so sorry that our little date had to be cut so short. It must've been something she ate earlier on." Toni spoke in confusion thinking of what could've made her so nausues.

"Or maybe she just hates heights that much." Sean nonchalantly said, "could be that too." Toni shrugged unknown to what it was.

"I love your company so much, I could have you stay with me all the time and I'd never get tired of you." Sean smiled wrapping his arms around her waist.

She bit her lip returning the action. He leaned back against the car door looking down into her eyes.

"We should go." Toni giggled, "we should... but I first want a kiss." He grinned.

She leaned up and placed her lips against his, he gripped her waist intensifying their kiss before they both slowly pulled back.

"Now we have to really go." Toni chuckled pulling away from him.

Sean frowned as he opened her door for her allowing her to get inside before he walked around to his side and got in.

"The end." Toni closed the storybook setting it down on the nightstand before she leaned in kissing Kennedy's forehead.

"Sleep tight my little angel. I love you." Toni smiled, "I love you too." Kennedy said as Toni got up but Kennedy quickly grabbed her hand stopping her from going anywhere.

Toni sat back down and faced Kennedy in confusion.

"Is mr Sean your boyfriend?" Kennedy asked curiously, Toni stayed quiet for a moment taking in everything before she nodded.

"Yeah. He is, why? You don't like him?" Toni raised her eyebrows nervously.

"I do. I'm happy that he's your boyfriend, now I know that one day me and Lexi will become official sisters." Kennedy grinned happily at the thought.

Toni chuckled fixing her blankets.

"And I thought you said you two weren't gonna date..." Kennedy raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"Okay. You need to be asleep." Toni sternly said.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite." Toni chuckled, "sweet dreams." She added turning on her bedside lamp, Toni got up and walked out slightly closing the door as she cut the light.

"So than he is your boyfriend?" Samantha grinned, "okay you caught me." Toni sucked her teeth raising her hands up in surrender.

"Have y'all, you know?" Samantha asked using hand gestures causing Toni's eyes to widen.

"Oh my god!" Toni shook her head, "goodnight ma." Toni quickly replied rushing past her.

"I'll take that as a yes." Samantha smirked watching as Toni went into her bedroom and shut the door behind her.

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