Chapter nine

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"Toni's right. Kenny's a smart guy." Gail said as Toni nodded.

"He really is."

"Are you saying that as his lover or because the job requires yo-"

Toni tightened the rope around Carla's hands standing up walking around her. Carla was a little unconscious as Toni removed her gloves grabbing the knuckle fighting rings off the table. She had her eyes on Carla as she began to slip the rings on, Carla slowly began to raise her head steadying her blury vision. Once her eyes were wide open and her vision was clear she sat there looking at Toni in horror.

"Toni..." She trailed off in disbelief.

"Surprise bitch." Toni smiled putting her gloves back on.

Carla tried to get up but her hands being tied prevented that. She looked around and realised they were in someone else's house.

"Nice right." Toni smirked looking around at the house herself, "Owen really outdone himself." Toni nodded impressed by the decor.

"Why are we in here? Why am I tied up? Have you gone insane?" Carla shouted angrily tossing and turning in the act.

"Just a little." Toni cooed holding her thumb and forefinger close to one another.

"Oh my god you're sick!" Carla shook her head before tears began running down her face. "You should be grateful I didn't plan on burning you alive." Toni nonchalantly said.

Carla's eyes widened.

"You're the one that killed Lydia..." Carla said lowly in disbelief, "you probably killed Michael to." She added trying to put the pieces together.

"Oh my god! You're so smart." Toni chuckled clapping her hands. "I don't know why Owen always seemed to upgrade me and never you- no wait, I'm lying... I do know." Toni stated. "I was way stronger and smarter than you." Toni shrugged.

"You've always been a bitch-"

Toni's fists immediately met her cheeks, Toni began to continuously punch Carla in the face. Carla's face began to swell up as she screamed out in pain. Toni finally backed away watching how Carla immediately coughed up blood. She was bleeding as well.


"Because I have every right too!" Toni spat furiously. "But don't worry, I have a little bit of sympathy for you... I'll make your suffering quick." Toni grabbed her gun off the table pointing it right at her.

"Toni wai-"

Toni pulled the trigger shooting her right in the head. Toni dropped her aim and stared at Carla for a moment, before she gathered her things and walked out.

Toni massaged her knuckles as she laid back in bed staring at the ceiling.

"You staying the night again?" Kenny smirked kissing her lips before he kissed her neck.

"No. My moms coming over, I'm sorry." She smiled weakly, "maybe some other time." She said kissing his lips one last time before she grabbed her bag and got up.

"I'm gonna miss you." He pouted watching her walk up to the door.
×end of flashback

Toni wiped away the few tears that escaped just as her phone's screen lit up. She pulled her face in confusion before she grabbed her it off the nightstand. 2:35 a.m. Toni's eyes widened as she read over Sean's message, Sean: I'm outside!!! She locked the phone and got out of bed grabbing her robe, she wrapped it around her and opened her balcony doors and there he was standing in front of her house. She laughed lightly closing the sliding door behind her.

"Are you insane? My mom is so nosey, she will see you!" Toni whisper yelled laughing in the mix.

"My bad, I couldn't stay away." Sean simply shrugged with a smile.

Toni smiled biting her lip.

"Come out!" He waved towards himself. "What?" She raised her eyebrows inconfusion.

"Come out. I wanna take you somewhere, get dressed as well. Although you won't really need your clothes once we get there!"

Toni giggled thinking it over before she decided to go with him.

"I'll be right there, give me a minute!" Toni held up her index finger before she went back inside.

She took off her robe and PJ's pulling the doors to her cupboard open, she searched threw the rails and decided to wear something that was easy to access. A dress.

Toni slowly shut the front door locking it, before she spun around rushing down the stairs and into Sean's arms

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Toni slowly shut the front door locking it, before she spun around rushing down the stairs and into Sean's arms. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pecked her lips repeatedly.

"I missed you..." He groaned as she pulled away, "dido." She chuckled.

He opened the car door allowing her to get inside, he walked around to his side and got in.

"So where are you taking me?" Toni raised her eyebrows as he placed his hand down on her thigh.

"You'll see." He smirked with his attention on the road, she squinted her eyes at him in anticipation.

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