Chapter thirteen

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"Hey baby!" Toni shouted grinning excitedly running into Sean's arms.

He lifted her up spinning her around with his arms wrapped around her waist before he kissed her lips.

"This is a surprise." He chuckled.

"I know, but you gave me your business card remember... and I wanted to come see you since I cancelled our movie date." She pouted cupping his face looking into his eyes.

"That's okay. I have to remember that you have a life as well." He stated kissing her lips again.

"I brought you, some coffee." Toni smiled.

He put her down and raised his eyebrows.

"You did? Wow, already doing some wifey shit." He said impressively causing her to chuckle. "As the girlfriend it's my job." She said in a Elvis Presley tone.

He laughed walking after her. She took the tray with their coffee off the table turning around to showcase it to him.

"Thanks babe... this means a lot." He grinned.

"Sean!" A man called out.

"That's Travis my business partner. Really nice guy." Sean stated. "Which one is mine?" He arched his brow looking between the two mugs.

"Uhh... This one." She pointed at his with her chin. He removed it from the tray and took a quick sip. "Nice outfit by the way." He smiled eyeing her up and down.

Toni smiled lightly looking down at herself.

"We have a one of our new retailers out front looking for you." Travis walked up to the two.

"I'll be right there." Sean said turning around to face Travis. "Cool, I'll be waiting on you."

Toni looked up and immediately dropped the coffee tray causing her coffee to spill all over the ground as her chest rose, her mouth fell open in disbelief... it was Kenny.

"Oh my god..." Toni lowly said staring at Kenny who stood in front of her.

"Babe. What's wrong?"

"Are you okay ma'am?" Travis asked ready to walk up to her.

"I need- I need to use the restroom. Where is it?" Toni panted trying to stabilise her balance as she kept on staring at Travis.

"Are you okay?" Sean asked in confusion.

"Where is the goddamn bathroom Sean?" She loudly spat in annoyance.

"Down the hall second door to your left." Sean backed away quickly responding.

"Hey. What happened back there?" Sean sighed in confusion.

Toni shrugged not being able to put anything into words, she was completely struck. She didn't know if she was imagining Kenny or if it were really true, but Kenny was dead... wasn't he?

"Where's your buddy Travis? I'd like to apologize to him for my behaviour." Toni said trying to seem as calm as possible.

Sean squinted his eyes before he nodded.

"He's probably in the food court." Sean shrugged.

"Good I'll go talk to him than." Toni quickly said under one breathe before she rushed towards the food court.

She looked around and suddenly she saw him, he sat alone at a table eating a slice of pizza. Toni felt her chest rise again.

"This can't be." She whispered taking in deep breathes before she shook off her nervous and walked up to him, "Kenny." She said.

Travis looked up at squinted his eyes at her before looking around than back at her, he pointed at himself and she nodded.

"Yes. You, you're Kenny you idiot." She scolded before she sat down in the chair opposite him.

"You must be having a really bad day since you're just spilling stuff, insulting people and calling them weird names... firstly, who names their child Kenny?" Travis raised his eyebrows in horror before he ate his pizza again.

"Oh my god!" She panicked again placing her hands down onto the side of her head, "am I dreaming?" She asked herself looking around again.

"Are you okay? Do you need any help?" Travis asked curiously.

"Do you really not know me?" Toni raised her eyebrows facing him.

Travis took in her features before he shook his head.

"Not even a little?" She begged, "no... I'm sorry." He shook his head with his teeth gritted in disappointment.

"Ken, it's me... Toni." Toni slowly said hoping what she was saying would digest into his mind.

"You must have me mistaken with someone else-"

"Don't you dare say that okay!" She spat angrily, "I know exactly what the love of my life looks like." Toni said on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"Kenny. Look at me, look into my eyes." She begged leaning over the table cupping his face. "I'm sorry-"

"Toni!" Sean called out.

She immediately let Travis's face go as she sat back in her chair with her attention plastered on his face.

"Can I see your right hand before I go please." She softly said.

He placed his hand down on the table and she scanned over it just as Sean approached the two of them, and than there it was... the scar, the exact same scar Kenny had. She slowly looked up at him as she tried to look into his eyes but he quickly looked away, at that moment she knew... this was Kenny.

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