Chapter twenty one

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Kenny chuckled to himself locking his phone. Toni was a crazy one, he placed his phone down on the counter and walked up to the refrigerator. He pulled it open and took out a bottle of water before he headed to his bedroom. He couldn't stop thinking of Toni and their daughter Kennedy, he really wanted to meet her. He smiled once the words digested, he was actually someone's dad. For the first time in his life he felt like he did something right. He was soon pulled out of his thoughts as a few shuffling could be heard in the living room. He squinted his eyes placing his water down on his nighstand, he heard a couple footsteps causing him to immediately pull his drawer open.

"Shit." He mumbled realising his gun was set by the fireplace in the living room.

He gritted his teeth before he quickly put on his shirt, he quietly walked out looking around cautiously.

"Travis." He heard.

He slowly turned around facing Sean.

"Or should I say Kenny?" Sean spat pulling his gun out immediately aiming it at Kenny.

Kenny let out a sigh.

"How did you figure that out?" Kenny questioned curiously.

"Does it really matter?" Sean asked in annoyance, "I don't- I don't know." Kenny shook his head nonchalantly.

Sean gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"Shut up!" He spat.

"Why the hell are you doing this?" Kenny arched his brow.

"Because I love Toni! And she's been acting all distant and strange since she ran into your ugly ass-"

"I might be ugly but the girl loves me." Kenny smirked shrugging.

"Shut up! She doesn't love you. She loves me. She told me so herself-"

"She did?" Kenny frowned.

"Yes." Sean smiled proudly. "Son of a bitch." Kenny hissed immediately knocking the gun out of his hand.

He began to toss punches left and right at Sean, Sean began to toss punches back before Kenny knocked him right to the ground. Sean's eyes immediately landed on the gun not to far ahead, Kenny turned him over and punched him right in nose repeatedly causing blood to run from it. Sean kneed him in his section causing Kenny to back away giving Sean some time to grab the gun immediately getting up. Kenny looked at him as he knocked him over the head with the gun.

Toni pulled the key Kenny had given her for his apartment out of her bag as she strolled down the hallway with a few grocery bags in her left hand up to his apartment door. She slid the key into the keyhole turning it as she opened the door and walked in. It looked crazy.

"What the hell happened here?" She asked herself studying the chaos before her.

She shook her head walking up to the kitchen placing the bags down on the counter, "baby! I brought you some gluten free food products." She chuckled beginning to unpack the first bag before her eyes landed on the blood stains on the carpet.

She immediately stopped looking towards the hallway. She feared the worst.

"Ken. Are you okay?" She asked lowly moving from around the counter just than Kenny came walking out with his hands held up in surrender followed by Sean who had his gun pointed at Kenny.

Toni's eyes slowly began to widen.

"Caught red handed." Sean shook his head.

"Sean... what are you doing?" Toni lowly questioned, "his sick-"

Sean hit Kenny over the head with his gun again.

"Sean stop it!" Toni scolded, "so you two have been sleeping together? Jesus Toni, you only found out about his existence on Friday, it's Monday today. How many times have y'all done it during these time lapses?"

"A couple times." Kenny announced.

"Shut up!" He yelled.

"Just a few days earlier you were riding my dick-"

"I don't wanna know that." Kenny spat in annoyance, "what does it hurt to know that the mother of your child used to have sex with me-"

Kenny spun around ready to attack but Toni quickly intervened grabbing him back.

"We had sex and it's in the past now." Toni said swallowing her saliva. "Sean please put the gun down." Toni pleaded.

"In the past? No Toni, me and you are forever-"

"Nigga please!" Kenny shouted, "I will fucken hurt you!" Kenny yelled. "You're sick! Go ahead and shoot me I've been dead before!" Kenny yelled.

"No!" Toni screamed.

Stepping in front of Kenny blocking Sean from doing anything harmful.

"I can't believe you're still in love with this asshole." Sean shook his head, "seems to me that the only way you'll love me is if I kill his ass-"

"Please Sean... I'll leave with you, we can go, me and you be together forever. But I can't let you kill the father of my child please..." Toni begged as Kenny looked at her as if she had lost her mind.

"Will you marry me and stay with me forever?" He asked.

She nodded her head, "yes."


"Kenny, please stay out of this." Toni sternly said holding her hand up at him. "I won't let you get married to this lunatic-"

"Shut up!" Sean yelled. "Sean... please look at me, look into my eyes. Please." Toni begged, Sean steered his attention from Kenny onto Toni slowly.

"Give me the gun." Toni said. "I won't hurt you, because I love you." Sean said handing her the gun hesitantly.

"Thank you." Toni smiled lightly caressing his cheek, before he fell to the ground. "Kenneth!" She shouted.

"He is crazy! Did you really think I was about to let you do what your ass just said you were gonna do!" Kenny scolded shaking his head in disagreement.

"I wasn't really gonna do it." Toni spat kneeling down to Sean's body.

She grabbed his hand placing her finger against his wrist feeling for a pulse. She sighed in relief.

"You really care about him..." Kenny trailed off.

"Yes, but not in the way you're thinking. I don't want him to die because he has a daughter as well." Toni said, "what are we gonna do with him now?" Toni raised her eyebrows in confusion looking up at Kenny.

"Take him to his house and than we pray he doesn't remember a thing." Kenny shrugged.

"Be serious Ken." She chuckled getting up, "I was." He said with a straight face.

"But before we do let's talk about how you told him that you love him." Kenny pulled his face in disgust.

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