Chapter nineteen

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Toni quickly got out of her car running up to Sean. Once his eyes landed on her he immediately stood up, he had been seated on the steps at the front door with a bouquet of roses resting next to him.

"I'm so sorry Sean!" She pleaded placing her hand over her mouth in embarrasment as she watched him dust himself off.

"It's okay." He lowly said before he picked up the roses, "these are for you." He sighed handing her the bouquet.

She hesitantly took it from him as he checked the time on his wrist watch.

"We missed our reservation and I'm kinda tired so I'm just gonna go home." He nodded looking up at her with a small smile. "Goodnight." He said immediately pecking her cheek.

"Sean..." She trailed off taking his hand into hers. "I'm really sorry." She said.

"Yeah..." He sighed before he walked up to his car, "see you around." He said before he got into it and drove off.

Toni ran her hand down her face before she walked into the house.

"Why was Sean waiting outside? Why didn't you let him in?" Toni asked as she came walking into the house.

"I did and when I told him you weren't here he said he would wait outside for you." Samantha shrugged.

"I feel so bad now..." Toni trailed off, "where were you anyways. You've been acting all strange since Friday, what's been going on with you?" Samantha arched her brow in question.

"Kenny's alive." Toni blurted out.

Samantha said absolutely nothing as she just stared at Toni. She blinked a few times before she took a seat at the dinning table.

"Repeat that." Samantha stated.

"Kenny's alive and well... I've been seeing him and-"

"You're cheating on Sean?"

Toni took in her mother's words before she let out a tiring breathe and nodded her head.

"Yeah..." She trailed off, "I didn't mean for anything like this to happen... I just love Kenny so much. The day I saw him, I- I just couldn't control myself." Toni frowned.

Samantha patted the chair next to her. Toni walked up to it and sat down.

"How is he?" Samantha asked.

"He's himself." Toni chuckled, "still the same old gangster." Toni shook her head at the thought.

"Does he know about Kennedy?" Samantha asked, "yeah. I told him." She lowly replied.

"He has the right to meet her." Samantha said, "I know and he wants too. I just don't know how she'll react once she finds out her dad is still alive." Toni let out a sigh looking towards the stairway.

"Who knows how she'll react..." Toni frowned.

"Give it sometime, and Sean?" Samantha raised her eyebrows curiously.

Toni took a deep breathe smacking her lips together with her eyes widened in confusion. She truly didn't know how she should end things with him...

Toni walked into Starbucks looking around before Gail slightly waved at her. She took a deep breathe walking up to the booth in the corner. She took her seat and immediately Gail slid a file her way. She scrunched her face up in confusion.

"What is this?" Toni asked opening the file.

"You probably don't know this, but Kenny is still alive." Gail blurted out as she looked around almost causing Toni to choke on her very own saliva.

"What? How do you know this?" Toni raised her eyebrows.

"I'm not the only one. Owen and Omar know as well and if you don't find Kenny before they do he's as good as dead." Gail stated sternly.

Toni looked up from the file at Gail.

"Unless you already knew..." Gail trailed off squinting her eyes at Toni.

"What? No... I don't know. Why would I know?" Toni scoffed beginning to fiddle with her hands underneath the table.

"You need to find him..." Toni stared at her for awhile before she nodded her head. "He goes by a new name Travis Jeffrey." Gail said, "we don't have any information on where he stays and works-"

"Oh thank God..." Toni sighed in relief.

Gail raised her eyebrows at Toni.

"I'm saying that because at least he's still safe right." Toni frowned before Gail's eyes widened.

"Give me a minute my niece and sister just walked in. I'll be right back."

Toni let out a breathe of relief as Gail picked up her phone and got up walking towards her sister and niece. Toni bit her lip nervously, she couldn't believe they knew about Kenny... how did they even find him? Where did they see him?

"Toni. This is my sister Bianca." Gail said walking up to Toni.

Toni smiled up at her, "hi." Toni smiled.

"And this is my niece L-"

"Toni?" Lexi gasped placing her hand over her chest dramatically, "mom this is dad's girlfriend Toni." Lexi squealed pulling at Bianca's shirt.

Bianca's eyes immediately widened.

"Wait... you're dating my sister's ex husband?" Gail arched her brows in confusion looking between the two.

"Guilty." Toni smacked her lips together.

"Nice to meet you. Lexi always talks about you." Bianca smiled lightly holding her hand out to Toni.

Toni hesitantly shook her hand with a small smile herself.

"This isn't the way I was planning to meet you..." Toni shook her head in embarrasment.

"No it's okay." Bianca said. "I don't think we would've ever met, you two won't last." Bianca shook her head confidently.

"Excuse me?" Toni raised her eyebrows curiously, "word of advice... get out while you can." Bianca sternly said.

Gail immediately took Lexi's hand, "you want a milkshake?" Gail asked Lexi who began to grin nodding her head.

Bianca sat down as Gail and Lexi walked away.

"What did you mean by that?" Toni questioned softly staring at Lexi and Gail before she faced Bianca.

"Sean is a thunderstorm. He becomes to obsessive, and by the time you realise that it will be too late for you." Bianca shook her head at the thought, "he physically assaulted me the day I tried to leave him-"

"You could just be making this up." Toni spoke skeptically.

"Would I make this up?" Bianca asked pulling the strap to her shirt over her shoulder revealing the scar. "He stabbed me, right here... get away from him Toni, leave now." She demanded.

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