Chapter twenty five

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A gun shot rang out all throughout the warehouse along with Kennedy's screams. Toni had pushed Omar over and managed to steer the direction of the gun into another direction.

"Boss!" The officer and guard yelled in unison.

Omar looked up and his eyes went wide as he stared at his father, that laid on the ground. A pool of his own blood began to surround his body as he began to choke on his very own blood.

"Dad..." Omar weakly said rushing over to his side.

Toni got up and swallowed her saliva before she rushed over to Kennedy's side and pulled her against her.

"Don't look there baby." Toni said watching as Omar kneeled down to Owen's body that was sprawled out on the floor.

"I'm scared mom..." Kennedy whimpered, "I know you are baby... I'm scared too." Toni sighed rubbing her back.

"You bitch! Look what you did!" Omar yelled with rage, his veins popped out at the side of his temple as he grabbed his gun and pointed it right at her.

"If anything he deserves it. He deserves to die!" Toni shouted angrily before Omar shot her.


Kenny sneaked into the warehouse, the gunshots that he heard scared him. He prayed that none of those shots were fired at Toni or Kennedy. Kenny's eyes landed on Toni, Kennedy, Omar and two other officers. His eyes widened at Owen's lifeless body. He looked on in confusion at Toni that was down on a bended knee holding onto her shoulder, as Kennedy began to cry hysterically. He quickly hid behind the black van nearby the entrance which he came in.

Toni hissed out in pain, the bullet went right through her shoulder.

"Shut up!" Omar yelled at Kennedy.

She smacked her lips together as the guard grabbed her away from Toni.

"At least treat her nice." Toni said before she hissed again from the pain that went through her body.

"She's only 6." Toni added, she smacked her teeth together before she tossed her head back, "fuck!" She shouted from the pain.

"Here." Omar said opening a bottle of gin, he carelessly poured it all over her wound.

Toni shut her eyes and bit down on the side of her hand to contain her screams. A few tears left her eyes, the pain was indescribable.

"Get her a bandaid." Omar placed the bottle down beside her, "incase you need a drink." He chuckled.

"If my daddy were alive he wouldn't have let this happen." Kennedy sternly said wiping away her sets of tears.

The officer walked up to Toni and bandaged her arm, "that will stop the bleeding for now." He said.

"You're daddy is alive." Omar smirked facing her, "Omar." Toni warned trying to stand up but she couldn't find the strength to do so. "Ah." She groaned from the pain.

"You know little Kennedy, you were suppose to be my daughter. Me and your mommy were suppose to be an item, but instead she went ahead and chose to be a bitch and sleep with a useless dr-"

"Omar!" Toni yelled grabbing the gin bottle from the floor, she hit him over his head causing the bottle to shatter and the clear alcohol to spill all over the ground and him.

"You bitch!" He shouted pushing her, she fell onto the ground. Kennedy's screams echoed throughout the warehouse.

Omar gripped the collar of Toni's shirt and slightly lifted her up. He pointed his gun right in her face, he was extremely angry at her.

"Please don't hurt my mommy... she's all I have." Kennedy sighed dropping her head.

"I'm so tired of this little girl. Get rid of her-"

"No please Omar, I'll do anything you want. Take your anger out on me, I killed Michael and Carla." Toni confessed. "My daughter has nothing to do with this." Toni sighed.

A bunch of police van sirens filled the area around them.

"Who called the cops?!" Omar yelled looking at his two officers, they simply shrugged. "Dammit!" He shouted.

Omar faced Toni and punched her in the face.

"That's for always turning me down-"

Two gun shots going off cut Omar off, he turned around and watched as his two officers fell to the ground. Omar was confused, how did the cops manage to find the entrance.

"Let them go." Kenny said coming into view, he held a gun in his hand. "You. You did this..." Omar groaned.

"Let my wife and kid go."

"Wife?" Omar scoffed, "last time I checked you two weren't married." Omar added on as he and Kenny faced one another.

"Well after I kill you, I'm gonna marry her. Just like I promised her 6 years ago." Kenny said looking at Toni.

She let out a small smile.

"I'll make it easy for you. You're obviously careless with that object." Kenny said referring to the gun Omar was holding.

Kenny tossed the gun he was holding to the side and walked up to Omar.

"Kenneth what are you doing?" Toni groaned looking at him in disbelief.

"Why don't you put the gun down and we can resolve this issue like real men." Kenny said stopping a few feet away from Omar.

"Oh but wait... you aren't a real man, since you put your hands on women and point guns at little girls-"

"I am a real man." Omar groaned.

"Prove it." Kenny shrugged nonchalantly.

Omar looked from Toni to Kennedy than back to Kenny. He placed his pistol down on the ground and began to pull up his sleeves.

"I've been wanting to break your face ever since Toni agreed to sleep with you." Omar confessed.

"Yeah yeah!" Kenny waved him off, "I'm gonna enjoy this." Omar grinned before the two began to attack one another.

"Mommy!" Kennedy shouted running up to Toni.

Toni pulled her into her embrace.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Kennedy asked into Toni's chest referring to Kenny. "I hope so baby..." Toni rubbed her back.

"Boss there are cops outside- what the hell?! Hey guys we have a problem!" Another guard yelled getting ready to pull out his gun.

"Okay baby, I'm gonna need you to take cover okay." Toni said as Kennedy nodded.

Kennedy ran behind the nearest barrel as Toni grabbed Omar's gun that laid on the floor and began to shoot the guards that were ready to aim fire at them.

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