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Jungkook's POV:

'Tomorrow is Y/N's birthday, what should I gift to her?,' thought to myself and smiled, when suddenly my clock stroke six and I realized that it's time for me to leave now from the office, so I arranged all my working papers well in the shelf, shut my computer off, took my bag and headed out of the office. I roamed around all the beautiful street shops in a hope to find something beautiful for her and then my eyes got to see something beautiful at last and I smiled to myself.

 I roamed around all the beautiful street shops in a hope to find something beautiful for her and then my eyes got to see something beautiful at last and I smiled to myself

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Taehyung's POV:

I was sitting on a bench in the garden of our premises and tried to spend my idle time by losing myself in this beautiful nature when often got to witness some couples walking here and there lovingly around the premises which is a common scene on other days too, and they used to make me more sad as they reminded me of my past and my beloved. 'Why did you leave me? I had loved you so much...and you left me like this??? I miss you,' cried to myself thinking all that. I was sitting with my head down and tears were rolling down my cheeks and I was sniffling when someone called my name, "Taehyung???" I raised my head up and saw it's Jungkook who had been holding a huge gift in his hands which was wrapped in a shining paper. I smiled at him wiping my tears softly away and greeted him by standing up, "Good evening!"

"Good evening! By the way, were you crying? Did something happen???," he asked me with a concerned frown in his forehead.

"No no... It was just," tried to manage the situation with a smile, "It was just a bad memory in past which I suddenly remembered and got emotional... Nothing else," chuckled, "By the way, is there something special today??," asked him by eyeing to the gift in his hands.

"Aah..hahh! No no, it's just my wife's birthday tomorrow," he chuckled with a blush saying that but I somehow got amazed hearing it.

"Oh really? Tomorrow is her birthday as well??," asked him with a smile.

"Yeah why?," he asked with a serious frown now.

"No no...It was one of my friend's birthday as well," said with a smile and slowly turned towards my building to go now, "Well, goodnight, see you!!"

He smiled and greeted back, "Goodnight!!"

Mr. Psycho 2 [18+]🔞 (Jungkook x reader){Ft. Taehyung} [COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now