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Your POV:

I was roaming along the corridor waiting for my hubby to come. Sometimes my eyesight went out to the beautiful sky and when the moon light fell on my face, I smiled. "It's so beautiful, hehe," I chuckled to myself murmuring that but then I heard some footsteps coming from nearby. I thought it was Jungkook but sadly, it was Taehyung. I tried my best to avoid him but as we had eye contact, I just smiled and turned my head aside slowly in a way that he couldn't understand that I am ignoring him. I was staying quiet when suddenly he said, "Hey! Happy Birthday in advance!!!," and was about to pass from beside me when I got shocked.

       ~The classroom was fully dark when I entered in there and I got scared but then everyone screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" and switched on the lights and it was Taehyung who arranged this surprise and kept running circling me in a funny and childish way and I giggled. "You remembered it?", I asked blushing cutely. "Of course I did, how can I forget this special day? It's my best friend's birthday after all," he answered giggling.~

'OH MY GOD!!! THAT MEANS TAEHYUNG KNOWS TOO THAT I AM Y/N,' I got scared thinking that and immediately turned around to ask him when he was about to enter his room, "Hey! How did you recognize me???"

Tae: What?? (frowns not understanding the question)
Me: That I am Y/N???....
Tae: WHAT??? ARE YOU REALLY Y/N??? (gets excited not believing my ears yet though)
Me: (gets startled) Didn't you know that???
Tae: Noooo....(says happily and walks closer to her to talk more)
Me: Then how did you know my birthday???
Tae: Your husband told me...by the way, leave that topic... FIRST TELL ME HOW ARE YOU??? WHERE WERE YOU SO LONG??? I MISSED YOU SO MUCH... I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU ONCE AGAIN AFTER ALMOST TWENTY YEARS!!!!!! (was too excited and hugs her tight coz of course she was my best and most special friend once and I got nostalgic)
Me: (smiles though tries to get out of the hug as soon as possible) I am okay Tae...(parts away slowly from the hug) Nice to see you too... By the way, can you say where is my husband?? (tries to change the topic so that he doesn't get chance to show more interest in me coz I don't want my husband to feel insecure by his presence)

Jungkook's POV:

I just reached my floor after a long time coz these gifts are too heavy to carry and I couldn't use the elevator as my hands were not free enough to open the doors. I walked towards my door when saw Taehyung hugging my wife and then she somehow parted from the hug and smiled asking him something.

Tae: He will be coming soon! Don't worry (smiles and suddenly saw Jungkook walking near us) There he is! (points at him)

I wasn't liking the scene somehow, when suddenly saw Taehyung pointing at me which made my wife to turn and look at me and she smiled running to me, "Chu is back!!! I was waiting for you so long!!!," she said in her childish tone cutely and I giggled.
"Let me go in our room first, then after I keep this gift somewhere, I can hug you coz until that, my hands are locked," I chuckled saying that and she nodded smiling.

After she entered in, I was about to enter too but before that, I glared at Taehyung who was about to enter his room too but he was lucky that he missed my glare and I shut my door with a comparatively loud thud and exclaimed to Y/N that it just happened accidentally. I didn't want to ruin the day before her birthday so I tried to control myself and my queries somehow.

Author's note: That Para in italics is just a flashback of your birthday in school days that you remembered  when Taehyung wished you, your birthday! 🎈❤️

Mr. Psycho 2 [18+]🔞 (Jungkook x reader){Ft. Taehyung} [COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now