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Jungkook's POV:

I was terribly angry that night and by our hot and aggressive moments, it slowly concluded to making love which was kind of forceful and painful for I wasn't at all pleasure-giving this time. I slapped her, whipped her and gave her all the pain that I had felt in my heart when I got to know that she was cheating me on my back. At the end, she screamed saying,

"You will never change JUNGKOOK!!!"

"No I will never!," I smirked and laughed out devilishly.

"I hate you".

"You will hate me more!," I smirked again.

I wasn't in my sense and maybe that was the last night I was having Y/N with me coz from my deep core of heart I knew, somewhere something was going wrong and Y/N would again punish me by leaving me for years.

Next day~

Your POV:

I was crying when I had to dress up Sara for her new school and set her bag properly with her as she's gonna leave for her boarding school with her dad in the car. I just couldn't take this fact of my daughter leaving me at all so I stayed behind in my house instead of going along with them to her new school. Sara cried hugging me for the last time but I told her to not cry and wished her all the best for her new life and pretended to smile. Soon her dad drove off the car from our apartment and Sara waved goodbye to me as I was standing in the garden of our apartment. I cried bitterly and after sometime when I turned around to go back to my home, I saw Taehyung was standing with a blank expression looking sometimes at me and sometimes outside.

"What are you doing here???," I asked him being irritated when he said softly, "Basically I didn't understand what just happened... Since yesterday night, I heard lot of screams and crying voices from your house and today saw Sara leaving from here.... What just happened? Are you all okay???"

I looked down not knowing what to say but still keeping my confidence in me, I said, "Someone is stalking us and that person is pretending to be me to Jungkook which made him think that I am the one who is sending our pictures to him daily..."

"WHAT??? WHAT THE HELL? Why someone would do that to us???," he asked being totally shocked and startled. "I don't know....," I sighed looking down and was still crying silently when he hugged me softly just like our childhood days to calm me down and tried to comfort me. I smiled a bit but then pushed him away softly, "Don't get cl-...
I got startled for before I could complete my sentence, suddenly Taehyung pushed me away abruptly and ran to chase someone. I was totally shocked not getting what happened and ran behind Taehyung. After almost chasing for ten minutes, Taehyung was able to stop the person he was chasing and I stopped beside him as well panting hard, "What happened???" I stuttered. But without replying to me, Taehyung started punching and hitting the person hard on the ground trying to snatch his mobile from him and asked him, "Why??? Why were you taking our pictures???? Who are you???? Why were you stalking us????"

I gasped in shock hearing that and realized why Taehyung was chasing that person for so long. He was the stalker and we found him at last. Taehyung kept asking him repeatedly while slapping him but he was too stubborn to answer. But fortunately, at last he opened his mouth and spoke out, "Jungkook.... Jungkook told me to spy on you guys and to send him the pictures so that he can know what you two are doing...."

I was totally speechless and went blank for some moments. Now I could realize why I couldn't relate to anything Jungkook told to me. I never had sent Jungkook any photos of us or any threatening but he kept saying that I was the one to send them and also that the number was owned by me. Anger was burning my whole inside when Taehyung asked the stranger, "Then why did Jungkook say that the number through which you were sending those photos belonged to Y/N?" He said, "Because he didn't want Y/N to think that he was using spy on her..." and after saying that, he gave Taehyung a sudden push, got up from the ground and ran away so fast that Taehyung couldn't hold him this time. He was totally shocked like me and stood up dusting away the dirt from his pant and shirt. I was standing stiff like a statue and didn't really know what to do.

"Why is Jungkook like this???," Taehyung asked me holding my shoulder softly when I got out of my thoughts and I just could mutter, "I don't know...." and started walking back to my home trying to control my tears to myself as I didn't want to create a scene in public. Taehyung walked silently behind me might be but I didn't care and ran upstairs to my home and cried in my room regretting why I had chosen Jungkook as my life partner who didn't have this much faith on me.

Mr. Psycho 2 [18+]🔞 (Jungkook x reader){Ft. Taehyung} [COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now