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Your POV:

I looked at Jungkook with guilt in my eyes as I know that I had done injustice to him so looked down and was still struggling with my hands at back. Jungkook came behind me and slowly untied the belt from my hands letting them free. I looked up at him with teary eyes and mumbled, "I am sorry!!!" with a broken voice. He stayed silent with a cold expression but hugged me tight making my head rest on his shoulder. "I am sorry.....!!!," I cried this time bitterly hugging him tight back and he patted my head softly.

"Let's go back to home... I have some things to tell you," he said and held my hand softly to walk back to home together. I walked along with him and after we reached our home, Jungkook closed the door behind us.

I was kind of afraid coz till now, Jungkook was keeping a cold expression while made it impossible to read his mind. I was scared that he would again punish me but to my surprise, something else happened.

"Do you remember those words you had said to me once? ~
'Taehyung never sees me in that way. He just considers me as his good friend, why can't you take it lightly?'," he asked me in a gentle voice but with a frown on his forehead. I felt guilty and looked down not knowing what to say but still mumbled, "I am sorry".

"I should say sorry too coz for once, I fell in the trap too thinking that you are the one sending me those messages and all... But I wanted to say that whenever I suspect on a boy, it comes true! If I want to safeguard you from a boy, you always take me wrong. Whenever I warn you to not get along with a boy much, you start hating me and disobeying me by going to that boy more and more and now you see, what happened?....," he said in that same gentle voice and I felt more guilty somehow but was also curious for a thing so asked, "How came you know all these things about Taehyung today, and also where we were and why did you give him in the hands of police???"

"Okay okay calm down... I am telling everything," he said smiling and made us sit on the sofa. "When you left me, I was terribly scared and worried for you.... So I told one of my friends whom you don't know to keep an eye on you so that if you get in any trouble, he can inform me and that I can save you. Today he suddenly informed me that Taehyung has dragged you and locked you inside an unused dark storeroom along with himself. I immediately came to that place and tried to eavesdrop on everything, Taehyung was saying, from outside while sent my friend to the police station to bring cops. Taehyung had done illegal works like stalking someone, sending texts and pictures in a threatening and annoying manner with the name of yours and also he was mentally torturing you to make you his when you are already legally married to someone else. Police had agreed that too and as they were punishable offence, they arrested him for two years. It's a small punishment but it was necessary to give him. I never had called police to arrest Jimin, then why I did for Taehyung? Coz he committed these illegal things.... I never had ever set spy on you but last time I had to do it for your safety and now it proved that I did right coz if I hadn't tell my friend to keep an eye on you, I could have never saved you.... I am sorry for everything I did, but I just did it to keep you in my arms and so that no one can take you away from me," he said in a soft voice and I felt he was about to cry so I hugged him tight crying softly in happiness. "Don't cry, for whatever you did was right! I love you, you are always the right one... I am the one being silly everytime. Thank you for saving me, thank you for everything!!!," I told him rubbing his head and he cutely snuggled in me like a bunny. He mumbled cutely, "I love you more!" and I had to agree with it so I chuckled.

To be continued~

Mr. Psycho 2 [18+]🔞 (Jungkook x reader){Ft. Taehyung} [COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now