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*warning: abusive contents🔞*

Jungkook's POV:

For some minutes, I couldn't believe my own eyes but then I started searching the owner's name of the unknown phone number with the help of an app. After some searching, my eyes got round in surprise and I murmured the name, "Y/N??" I couldn't believe that this number was owned by her. 'How could she?'
I sat on my seat fully shocked and somehow I felt something piercing in through my heart. 'How could she cheat on me like this and then text me in a way as if she's challenging me? After so many years of living together with me, how could she suddenly love Taehyung so much? Just for he has an emotional past????', I thought to myself and tears came out in my eyes. I tried to calm myself down and somehow to finish my work as soon as possible so I could go back to home and talk to Y/N.

Few hours later~

"Sara, come over here," I called her name after I came back home. She happily ran towards me and hugged me tight when I knelt down in front of her and said, "Sara, start packing your books and copies and dresses from now on, okay??"

"Why dadda??", she asked innocently.

"Coz you are going to be in boarding school from tomorrow..," I smiled kissing her tiny forehead.

"WHAT?????," suddenly Y/N screamed out from behind and rushed to us.

"Yes," I said calmly standing up, "It will be good for her."

"But I can't stay without you two," Sara pouted saying that and looking at me in a way so that I return back my words but I was very stubborn. "No, Sara, you'll go! I have already submitted money for your admission and as it's middle of a session, you will attend classes from tomorrow and so from tomorrow only, you will be living in boarding school and that's final", I said firmly.

"No, Jungkook!!! I don't want to leave my daughter... Why suddenly you took that decision???," Y/N asked me being tensed and I said, "Don't you really know????" and I was sure she would remember the warning then that I had given that night.

I saw Y/N getting silent for a minute bowing her head down and I gave hurry to Sara to pack her things by tonight. Being a kid, she didn't argue with me and being obedient, she nodded and went to her room to pack her things.

"Jungkook, I- I didn't meet Taehyung intentionally.... It was just a coincidence....," Y/N stuttered.

"Really? Just a coincidence???"

She nodded.

"Well, why does these coincidences happen all the time with you only???," I scoffed.

She said softly, "I don't know.... But how did you get to know all these again????"

"Do you really don't know??? I thought you know this..", while saying that I pulled her inside our room and threw her on the bed slamming the door shut behind me.

She got nervous and stuttered, "How do I know????"

I just couldn't tolerate her pretending of innocent anymore and slapped her tight on her cheek, "STOP PRETENDING INNOCENT!!!!" I held her scalp by gripping her hairs in my fists making her look at me, "Why do you did this??? Why do you started loving Taehyung instead of me suddenly? Just because he's alone and has a sad past????", I asked her with a scowl on my face and waited for her response. She teared up in my hands and stammered, "I- d-on't lo-ve Tae..... I- I really don't....". I just couldn't take this drama anymore and so slapped her again. But she didn't stop crying.

I took out my phone and showed her the photos she had sent me today, "You sent them to me today to challenge me that I can't separate you from Taehyung, but then why ain't you accepting it!?? What do you think??? I will get threatened by your text and will never try to do anything anymore to keep you away from Taehyung??????", I said while took off my coat and belt and keeping them aside, I slowly climbed up on bed and pushed her down under me pinning her hands above her head.

She softly asked, "Who told you that I sent them to you??? Why would I do that???"

"DON'T TRY TO CONVINCE ME COZ I USED AN APP TO TRACK THE UNKNOWN NUMBER AND IT'S CLEARLY MENTIONED THAT IT'S OWNED BY YOU!!!!!," I screamed on her face and leaving her hands, I hugged her body firmly and tightly in my arms to make her suffocate as I was terribly angry and my veins almost felt like to burst out from my arms.

"I- no... Aaahhhhh," she whined feeling suffocated and tried to free herself from me whereas I started making painful hickeys all over her neck and collar bones. She whimpered and I somehow didn't care coz I was ready to do anything to prove what is MINE. I aggressively ripped her shirt and skirt and, continued making those painful hickeys all over her cleavage, chest and upper tummy, while scratched her lower tummy and thighs with my sharp nails of right hand which made red marks and my left hand was holding her back since before. She screamed in pain and cried bitterly and I kept marking her whole body MINE. I was mad. I was desperate. But she's MINE. Only MINE.

Mr. Psycho 2 [18+]🔞 (Jungkook x reader){Ft. Taehyung} [COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now