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Your POV:

I was walking along the lane of our neighbourhood to go to Sara's school as it was her time to leave from school so I was going there to take her. Suddenly I saw a man fallen down on ground, at a corner of a building, unconscious. No one had noticed him as that was a corner, and so getting worried, I ran to him and when I bent down and made him face me, I saw it's Taehyung. I couldn't understand why he was unconscious like that and even there was no symbol of wound or cut. I took out my water bottle from bag and sprinkled some water droplets on his face when I saw he got conscious after a while and tried to sit up. I asked him what had happened to him by resting my hands on his shoulders and he himself didn't realize why he got unconscious but after sometime, he remembered and said he had a sunstroke. It was true the sunlight was very strong that day and so I slowly helped him to get up and held his waist to help him walk until his house and he thanked me. I asked, "Where were you going anyway???". "To buy some grocery items," he said and I replied with a, "Ohh! I will buy them for you, don't worry, now take rest," I smiled and left for the school.

Jungkook's POV:

I was busy working in my office when my mobile vibrated with a lot of messages and at last, getting irritated, I turned it from the table to see who was it. I saw almost ten messages had popped up on my screen and it was from an unknown number. Being confused, I opened them and saw ten photos of Y/N and Taehyung in extremely close postures over the roadside and those photos had been clicked from a far distance so it wasn't clear from the images what they were doing but I didn't like what I saw. I immediately messaged back, "Who are you???" thinking who it can be who sent me their photos but the reply came back~ "No need to know". I got more annoyed then and kept texting that stranger but no reply came. I immediately packed my things and went back to my home.

When I got in my home, I saw Y/N was wearing the same dress as in the pics those had been sent to me and Sara was playing all around the room.
"Y/N, did you go outside today?"
"Yeah, to bring Sara home. Why?"
"Aah, well come inside," and saying that I dragged her inside the room and shut the door sharply, "You really just went outside to bring Sara???" opened my belt sweating hard while asking that question with my brows raised.
"Uhm yeah why???," she got nervous and sat on the bed.
I grudged and walked in front of her slapping her harshly down with the belt, "Really???"

"JUNGKOOK???? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU???? I- I really went to bring Sara.... Why ain't you believing?????," she cried stuttering and I took my phone out of my pocket and showed her the pics in gallery which made her eyes widened up. She gulped and was sweating looking at them nervously not finding any appropriate word to say and I just slapped her again with the belt which made the phone scatter out of her hand. She looked at me crying while was laid on the bed for my slaps and stuttered, "I- I really don't know about the pics but I-..."
"But you????," asked with my dark tone and whipped her once more on her back, this time more harshly and grabbed her hair firmly in my hand making her face come closer to me, "Listen carefully! Today I am giving you the last warning! If I ever see you again with Taehyung, I will just send Sara to a boarding school and lock you somewhere for forever like I did last time, ten years ago," and left her hairs. She cried trying to prove herself innocent by stammering a lot of things but she couldn't say anything properly and I was sure she didn't had any words to hide her guilt.

Mr. Psycho 2 [18+]🔞 (Jungkook x reader){Ft. Taehyung} [COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now