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Your POV:

Tears started coming out slowly from the corner of my eyes by seeing my 'love' behaving that way to me. I nodded and mumbled looking away, "I will never go to anyone else leaving you, coz I love you! Don't worry." I looked back to him with a sad smile as  I was sad realizing that my husband still didn't have trust on me after spending so many years together. He slowly took his hands away from my neck and I shifted away crying somehow and cuddled myself being sad. I felt, two hands hugging me from back slowly, and I realized it was him getting softer now. He cuddled me from back mumbling, "Sorry! I didn't want to hurt you... I just lose my control sometimes... Please don't cry!!!". The way he said made me soft again and I turned back to hug him tight and cried in his chest, "Please have trust on me.. I am loyal to you coz I love only 'YOU' and I am not going to cheat on you."

Jungkook's POV:

I realized that I was again going to hurt my beloved and so when she cried hugging me and said all those things, I felt guilty and hugging her back, I replied, "I know.. I am sorry." I kissed her forehead but then slowly pushed her down and hovered on top of her with a daddy face. She stared at me nervously when I smirked and slowly lowered down to make my body pressed on her and made my face come closer to her neck and I traced her sensitive skin with my tongue. She moaned softly when I started pressing my tongue teasingly hard on her skin and soon gripped on the skin by my teeth and closed my eyes. She whimpered when I pressed my teeth deep in her skin to just bite it hard and sucked that sweet spot of her neck in my mouth. She kept on moaning and I kept on sucking it until I felt the taste of blood and smirked. I parted my lips from her skin and smirked being satisfied by the red prominent hickey I formed on her. She looked at me with her innocent teary eyes and I could feel she was still nervous. I smiled and kissing her hickey, I mumbled in her ear, "That mark will let Taehyung know that you are mine and he will never dare to touch you again!" I nibbled on her earlobe and she nodded to what I said. Soon I fell asleep in her arms as I was tired and also a bit stressed.

Your POV:

I smiled to myself when he said the last line realizing that how childish he was. Of course Taehyung knew that I am married to Jungkook and so he knew well that I belonged to Jungkook only. Jungkook didn't need to give me hickey to prove that to Taehyung, but he did coz his thoughts were immature, too obsessive to think wisely. I smiled ruffling hairs of my sleepy baby and murmured, "Good night my baby prince!,". I chuckled and kissed his head.

Mr. Psycho 2 [18+]🔞 (Jungkook x reader){Ft. Taehyung} [COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now