~16~ (The Truth Comes Out)

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Your POV:

I didn't know if I was doing right or wrong, but I am a human being too! I couldn't take so much stress at a moment. All my thoughts were confusing me more. Was Jungkook really the guilt one or someone else? I didn't know. I wanted some peace. Some time to think alone. So, I managed to stay in a nearby lodge for some days. Might be I would return to Jungkook some day but right then, I needed peace.

After almost one day, I got out of the lodge to have some fresh air and also I needed to buy some miscellaneous things. I was walking towards a grocery shop, when suddenly I heard some familiar murmuring voices. I frowned and looked here and there to find the owners of those voices and for a moment I got shocked for what I got to see. I stepped slowly towards that lonely lane and hid behind a building to peek at those two known men. One was the stalker and another one was.....TAEHYUNG.

I gasped softly seeing that they were busy about discussing something and when tried to eavesdrop, I figured out some words that Tae said, "We have to do something which will make them give divorce, gradually." The stalker nodded and showed some photos to Taehyung to whom he nodded. Somehow I couldn't believe my own eyes and stepped soundly in front of them and in a soft voice gasped out, "Taehyung???"

Taehyung got startled by hearing my voice suddenly and when he turned to me, he gulped pressing his lips tight while the stalker managed to leave us alone by going away somewhere.

"Y/N, I-....", he looks down a bit.

"You know that stalker personally... You...," I couldn't find exact words what to say when suddenly I saw a change in Taehyung's eyes and it was full of determination, dominance and grief. He pinned me to the wall abruptly and said, "Yes I know him! And I am the one, who told him to take our photos secretly and send them to Jungkook!!!!!"

I was shocked at what he said and got terribly nervous when he pinned me. I asked softly, "What??? Why????". I gulped. He moved closer to me with a dangerous look and whispered in my ears, "Want to know why?? Then come with me, baby!" He smirked and before I could stop him, he pushed me into a dark empty store room and shut the door behind. I fell on the ground harshly by his push and was shivering in utter shock when I turned to him and was terribly nervous so screamed, "NO, TAEHYUNG... PLEASE LEAVE ME... YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!!!" I started shifting back on the ground when he took out a ribbon and approached near me pressing his hand roughly on my mouth. "Just keep your mouth shut, and listen to me what I say," he said with a dark voice and tied my mouth with the ribbon forcefully and also my hands at my back with his belt so I can't move away. I started crying feeling scared but he slowly backed away. He huffed talking a deep breath and after scratching his own neck a bit, he started, "So listen carefully everything that I say now," he smirked and I shivered.

"What did you think, that my becoming a neighbour just beside your flat is a coincidence??? Hahahahahaha, really Y/N, you are still a dumb like you were in childhood. Since childhood, I was in love with you...madly....but I never confessed it coz I didn't want our friendship to get complicated.... I was determined to propose you in future. I decided to confess the truth after we grow up but my fortune was not with me, so my dad got transferred and I had to leave the school....had to leave you. I promised myself on that day that I will return to you after my higher studies but when I did return, I got to know that you were married. My heart broke into pieces.... I couldn't understand what to do and started collecting information about your love life, married life and everything. I was successful to collect information about your husband's office and slowly I got to know that once there was a boy, Jimin for whom you two had a big struggle in your relationship. I started collecting every little information I could, about you two, but in disguise. But after one year, my dad forced me to get married as I was getting older. I denied a lot of times but they didn't listen and arranged my marriage with an unknown girl. I was never happy in my married life but as my wife was good and she loved me a lot, I tried hard to forget you and replace you with her but....but I could never. I could never love anyone except you, even not my wife. One day, she met an accident when she was out with her friends.. I told you that part earlier, right? Yeah, I have told... After a lot of struggle, finally we couldn't save her and before dying, she actually told me, "I am not going to live Tae... Please stay happy and marry Y/N after I go... Maybe you were written in her fate only, so God took my life," and she collapsed after that. I had to keep her last wish and also, when it had matched with my desire. Yes, she knew about you coz I was the one who told her everything about you and why I couldn't have loved her. I didn't start chasing you immediately after her death coz that won't look good in eyes of my relatives. So I took some years of time and in that time, I made a brilliant plan how to make you mine....," he smirked narrating the story and I was fully shocked and frozen like a statue hearing all that. He continued, "I got to hear that Jungkook was about to change his house and so when I got confirmed which flat he was buying, I immediately bought the adjacent one and settled there before you guys came so you think me as a long time resident over there. I pretended like I didn't know you and pretended to be surprised when you told me who were you. You never knew that I was the one who knew everything about you and I pretended to not know anything, just so I could win your trust. I knew that Jungkook was a psycho and so I used his psychic side to make you mine, started sending him messages in your name and made you believe that Jungkook was using spy on you which will clearly make both of you suspect on each other and I will have you fully as mine... But, I was wrong to expect that you would come to me directly after you leave Jungkook... I was discussing that with the stalker about how to make you mine and what to plan farther but I was too fortunate, that I got you so quickly... You came to me yourself....," he smirked once again and approached gradually towards me when I was moving abruptly trying to get rid of that belt from my hands but couldn't. He cupped my cheeks kneeling down in front of me and said with a tear dropping out from his eye and a sad smile, "I love you... I know my way of getting you was wrong but I know you for a long time than Jungkook did... I had loved you for more number of years that he did... So I'm the only one who deserves you... I love you, please be mine!!! Please.....," he opened the ribbon to hear my answer but, then we both heard a sudden loud thud on the wooden door which made it broken and I could hear the sound of sirens of the police cars outside. I was shocked at the scene and soon two cops came inside to take Taehyung away from me and they arrested him blaming him for everything. I gasped, "No!" softly but then my eyes fell on Jungkook who was standing behind those policemen with a cold stare at me. Taehyung tried hard to get rid off those cops and screamed looking at me, "THEY CAN'T TAKE ME AWAY FROM YOU Y/N.... I REALLY LOVE YOU.....," he cried bitterly and I tried to stand up somehow not knowing what to do. Those cops dragged him out of the storeroom forcefully and he kept screaming, "I WILL BE BACK Y/N.... YOU ARE ONLY MINE," in a desperate voice which made me feel too much bad for him and tears ran down from my eyes.

To be continued~

Mr. Psycho 2 [18+]🔞 (Jungkook x reader){Ft. Taehyung} [COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now