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After two days~

Your POV:

Jungkook was in office and Sara was in school. I was all alone and bored so was just roaming around in the garden when saw Taehyung was there too playing with some kids. I felt frustrated by his presence and being angry, I walked towards Taehyung. Taehyung, when saw me approaching towards him, he told the children something that made them run away to a different place and they started playing there. I was still angry with him when he gave me a box smile and I just got melted by that again like I used to do in childhood. I was basically angry on him coz of his presence over here and asked, "Don't you have office??? Why do you always stay in your house???" and was still frowning when he just laughed out loud. I frowned and asked, "Why are you laughing??," and I got more angry by that.

Tae: I am laughing coz your cuteness is too irresistible (says while laughing).
Me: .......
Tae: Well, okay okay... Yeah I don't have any office coz I have my family business and I just have to go to deal with it whenever needed, nothing else.
Me: Ooo, I see (calms down)
Tae: By the way, it's really long after that we found each other so let's gossip for a while. That day, we couldn't get time to talk much. (smiles pointing towards a bench where we can sit)
Me: Ahh, okay! (agrees coz I couldn't be rude so much to my childhood friend)

Taehyung nodded with a smile and walked towards the bench along with me. We sat there and I smiled looking at him. "So how are you???," he asked me when I nodded saying that I was fine. And like that we shared some formal conversations when suddenly he asked looking at my neck, "Well I can see that you two had a great night after that day." He probably said that seeing my prominent hickey that Jungkook had made that day and it made me blush, also pissed of Taehyung as he always loved to tease me. I slapped his arm with a scolding yell and he stopped teasing me, laughing hard. Our chat was all okay until, I asked him, "Why didn't you marry yet??". There was a long silence after that which made me worried and I shook Taehyung's shoulder a bit asking softly, "What happened???". He didn't say anything instead a tear rolled down his cheek. "Taehyung!?? Oh my God, I am so sorry if my question disturbed you, you don't have to say anything but please don't cry," I couldn't take him crying like this and all of a sudden hugged him tight. I was sensitive enough to see a person cry and it makes me cry too so I tried to calm him down. He hugged me back a bit but then broke it pushing himself away a bit. "It's not your fault so don't say sorry," he said coldly wiping his tears and looked down. I was silent and didn't know what to say.

Taehyung's POV:

I just sniffed a bit and broke the silence saying, "Seven years ago from now, I was in love with a girl. We became friends and soon our friendship got deeper and she slowly fell in love with me too. We were happy with each other and as she was busy a bit building her career, I didn't gave her hurry to marry me. After two years when both of our lives were settled, her in her office and mine in my business which my father had carried out so long, we decided to marry. Our parents were also happy with our bonding and they had no problem with our idea of marriage. We got married and after that, we came to this apartment so that we two could stay alone and make our own little family together in the way we want. Everything was going well until one day, she and her girl friends went for a picnic in a rural area and while doing a lot of adventures, they climbed in an unconstructed building structure to explore it....," I sighed in grief and paused as couldn't speak farther. Y/N, after some seconds asked me softly, "Then?". I took a deep breath and said, "They were on second floor of that structure but due to poor and incomplete construction, the place where she was standing was weak and due to a crack underneath, the floor got broken after some seconds and without a caution, she fell down from the broken part on the ground floor and due to that massive fall, she became unconscious and blood scattered out from her body. Her friends immediately took her to hospital and informed me over phone to come there too.

I was terribly worried and scared until I reached the hospital

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I was terribly worried and scared until I reached the hospital. I talked with the doctor but he couldn't comfort me with any hopes. He said he will try his best but later we got to know she had fracture in her legs, spine and skull. She had lost a lot of blood and also a lot of her body parts were damaged due to that accident. I gave all the money needed for her operation and prayed a lot to God to save her in any way possible. She became partly conscious almost after a week but still wasn't out of danger. She was calling my name so the doctor called me to meet her. I went to her and cried holding her hands and stuttered, 'Please don't leave me, you have to be okay!!!'... She smiled weakly and murmured, 'I am not going to live Tae... Please stay happy and marry someone else after I go...,' she closed her eyes saying that and I screamed 'NO!!!!!!' but she didn't answer anymore and after some seconds of struggle, she collapsed.....," couldn't tell anymore and cried hard. Y/N was crying too by now and she hugged me tight once again which I think I needed right now. A hug. A shoulder upon which I could cry. "Her last wish was me to stay happy and that I marry someone but I couldn't.... She is fully occupied in my heart... I can never love anyone except her.... I can never.... And since that day, five years have passed and still I live alone in my flat with all her memories and haven't thought of loving anyone else ever.... I want to die with her memory only, that's it!!!," smiled sadly hugging Y/N back. I could stop my tears a bit but Y/N was still crying which made me remember of her soft and sensitive heart. "It's okay Y/N...don't cry... Past is past...we can never recover it," smiled sadly lifting her face up to me so that she could see my smile and stop her crying too. She didn't stop crying though but tried to get calm down a bit. I felt light after sharing my pain to someone close to me after so many years. I felt blessed to have Y/N back in my life as my best friend.

Mr. Psycho 2 [18+]🔞 (Jungkook x reader){Ft. Taehyung} [COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now