The End

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Jungkook's POV:

"You know right, that I have a bad past as well with my parents which had made me such a possessive and obsessive person???," I asked her looking in her eyes while cupping her cheeks. She nodded softly and I continued saying, "Even if I know that you won't leave me... I have this sudden fear of losing you whenever I see you with a boy.... I love you... I really love you more than myself, believe me! I really feel bad when I punish you so violently but trust me, I don't have control on myself whenever I see you with someone else and especially when I see that boy having interest on you.... Please forgive me... I am sorry.... Please forgive me," I cried bitterly and she immediately hugged me tighter trying to calm me saying, "No no... Don't cry please.... I know why you behave like that and it's okay.... I am used to it.... I just couldn't take it when I got to hear that you have set spy on my back and you are lying to me... But later when I got to know that you were not lying and it was all a fake thing told to me, I felt guilty.... I love you too so don't be worried!!"

I sniffled and after trying to control my tears, I said, "Please don't leave me like this everytime... When I am angry on you, I punish you but I never leave you coz I really can never live without you.... So if I do something wrong, punish me, abuse me but please don't leave me... Please.... You don't know how much my heart breaks whenever I see you have left me.... I can't live without you.... You are my everything and I don't want anyone or anything except you.... I need you... You are mine and I am yours.... We can't separate so please never punish me by leaving me again....". She cried too apologizing multiple times and at last she promised, "I will never leave you ever again... I promise... Coz I love you Mr. Psycho!".

Both of us laughed out and cuddled each other tight, lovingly and felt eternal peace at last as if we were in heaven.

Both of us laughed out and cuddled each other tight, lovingly and felt eternal peace at last as if we were in heaven

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(wait for the epilogue😉)

Mr. Psycho 2 [18+]🔞 (Jungkook x reader){Ft. Taehyung} [COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now