Chapter 4

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Lucy's POV:

I woke up with Piddles against my chest, snuggled up and fast asleep. He was really cute when he was sleeping. He has some sort of sixth sense on him, because he was really able to recognize my nightmare and wake me up from it. It's the first time I've ever had someone with me that has helped get me out of my terrors.

I gently stroke his head and he wakes up with a start, looking around startled before he looks up at me and relaxes. I can't help but snort. So much for that sixth sense.

"Good morning sweetie." I whisper and kiss his forehead. He huffs at me, but his tail wags behind him.

"Thank you for last night, Piddles. You really helped me out." I murmur, keeping him in my arms as I stand up from my bed. I place him gently on the ground before going to the bathroom. After I finish and wash my hands, I pick Piddles back up and take him into the living room.

As I pour his breakfast, I sneak some pieces of ham and bread in his food along with his medicine. He really hates his dog food, so I'm hoping adding this helps him eat more, because he's way too skinny.

Setting down the bowl in front of him, he begins to eat the ham and bread first, seeming very pleased with the additional food.

"I had a dream about that day again, Piddles," I murmur, looking down at the ground. "It was back in New York City. I saw it all happen again." Tears misted my eyes and I quickly blinked them away. Just thinking about that horrific scene made chills go across my body.

Piddles stares at me warily, almost as if he's afraid I'm going to start screaming again or something like that, but I smile at him to calm his nerves. "It's okay if you can't understand me, Piddles. I've just never really had many people to talk about this to. Well, besides Tony. But he has his own issues to handle." I say, bending down to give him a kiss.

Piddles stops me from kissing him by raising his paw, and he puts it on my forehead. I let out a laugh until the contact makes me remember that day in New York City.

Monstrous creatures were ravaging the streets. Buildings were being torn apart, places were set ablaze, and bodies were scattered across the floors.

"MOM!" I screamed as I looked around me. I could see huge flying creatures outside the building I was in. I was on the ground floor, looking up at the chaos around me. It looked like people were fighting these alien-like creatures.

"Lucy, over here!"

I turned to see my mother, father, and brother huddled in the corner with Lucky hunkered over in terror in front of them.

"We need to move. I don't think it's safe here." I say, walking over to them when something blasts the building from above.

The tremors send me to the ground and I cut my arm on glass. Rumbling makes me look up and I let out a scream as the corner of the building collapses.

My mother got crushed by the cement first. My brother and Lucky ran out of the way just in time. My father's skull got impaled by a metal beam.

I scramble to my feet to rush over to my parents. Maybe, maybe there was a chance I can save one of them. They could be alive.

"William come help me!" I scream as I try to grab the chunk of cement from the second floor and lift it off of my mother.

Adrenaline aids my movements as I lift the cement slightly, and I look underneath immediately. "Mom, dad, come on! Get out of there." I cry before my eyes widen. My mother's body is bloody, crunched, and disfigured. My father is dead, his legs crushed, the beam splitting his skull.

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