Chapter 10

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Lucy's POV:

I wake up slowly. I was so comfortable where I was; I didn't want to move. The thought of going back to sleep seemed so tempting, so I snuggled my head back down and curled my legs up more.

A hear a low grunt as I move and my eyebrows go down. What was that?

I shift my body a little more and I'm stopped by a hand on my waist.

"Darling, you shift anymore and we are going to have some major problems this morning." Loki's deep, groggy voice makes my eyes widen.

My head shoots up and his eyes are halfway open as he looks down at me. His back is rested against the wall still and I remember last night. I asked him to stay. Oh my gosh.

"Umm, I - uh, what did I do?" I stammer, my sleepy brain trying to catch up with what was going on.

"Well, Lucy, if you rub against me one more time, you're going to have a few issues on hand." Loki murmurs and I look down. I've practically shifted on top of him as I slept...and me moving made me rub against his....OH NO.

My cheeks heat up and I move off of him, sitting up in bed and he gives me a tight smile.

"It was a little too early for me. Try again later." he muses and my mouth drops open. I say nothing to his little comment and he chuckles, stretching his back out with a sigh. I wonder if he slept at all.

"Were you able to sleep with, you know, me on top of you?" I ask and he smiles at my question.

"Yes, actually, quite well. You have a very calming presence. It helped me fall asleep as well, after you calmed down." he says and I feel complimented but guilty at the same time.

"Sorry for umm...well, you know, being on you." I murmur and Loki chuckles. He eyes me for a moment before the corner of his lip tugs upwards.

"I didn't mind that at all, actually." he says and I feel my cheeks heat a little.

"Isn't it way too early for you to be teasing me?" I grumble and he rolls his eyes, getting to his feet.

"I was actually being serious, but fine. Although I will say, you should be very careful next time." he says, looking back at me with a certain look in his eye. It was one I hadn't seen from him before now.

I stare at him confused, wanting him to finish what he was saying. What did I need to be careful about?

"Because if you tease me like that again, even as unintentional as it was, I will physically show you how much I don't mind you being on top of me."

I couldn't draw in a breath. My heart was pounding in my chest and my face felt like it had burst into flames. I sat on the bed motionless, unsure of how to respond to such a forward statement. I could tell by his look that he was completely serious too.

Loki must sense my lack of ability to respond, and he cracks a smile, taking a few steps until he's at the edge of my bed. Suddenly I am VERY aware of his height, his face, his muscles...just him. He has an overwhelming appearance.

He extends a hand to me and offers a smile that is very relaxed and non-intimidating: so much different than he was a few moments ago.

"Come on, we have things to do today." he says and I snap out of my trance and take his hand. He pulls me to my feet with ease, and pulls me close to him.

"Y-yeah, we have a lot to do today." I say, studying his face. Sharp cheekbones? Check. Great jawline? Check. Incredibly intoxicating eyes? Double check.

"Lucy?" Loki's mention of my name makes me blink a few times. He looks at me amused. "Are you done staring?"

"I wasn't meaning to." I murmur, looking away from his face. He lets me go and I let out a breath. He was...yeah. I can't put words to it.

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