Chapter 25

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So I thought about doing just one chapter of Loki wallowing in misery but that hurt me too much so I present a very depressing timeline of Loki's troubles. It was the better option, trust me.

Loki's POV:

One week.

It's been one week since Lucy disappeared. I tried desperately to find her. To seek her out. To somehow go where she was. I searched the streets, the stores, the houses next door, all over this forsaken city.

I failed.

She wasn't anywhere anymore.

Everything in her house was destroyed.

The furniture in her house was turned over, broken, scattered. The book shelves were knocked over. Books were everywhere, pages ripped out. Glasses broken. Windows shattered. Walls torn. I couldn't control myself. It looked as if the Hulk had a fight in her house.

My hair was disheveled as I sit with my back to a wall. Tears ran down my face. Staring at the door. Praying that somehow, Lucy was going to walk through with a smile on her face. That she would tell me she's okay. But there was no one there. I felt sick at heart.

I was absolutely broken.

One month.

My despair is turning to rage. I feel hollow inside. Worse than when I found out my true heritage, and worse when Frigga died.

He took Lucy.

He got his revenge on me.

There are less people on the streets. Everyone shares the same despair. The same anger.

I stand with my back against a wall. Bags hang under my eyes from lack of sleep. I grip a dagger in my hand. If Thanos couldn't pay, someone else would.

A man walks by the alley I'm hiding in and I walk out, following him. He reminds me of Thanos. The cocky way he walks. The facial structure. He turns a corner and I do as well, waiting until he was alone – which didn't take long due to the large lack of people – and then I struck.

My dagger entered his throat from behind and he choked on his own blood. Without a word he crumples to the ground, dead. I give him a venomous look.

"Even if I kill's not going to bring her back." I can't control how much my body is shaking. I stare angrily down at the dead man, tears welling up in my eyes. He was the third man I've killed today. But it doesn't take the pain away.

"Nothing is going to bring her back."

One year.

My killing spree has ceased. I've killed over 100 people who have even remotely reminded me of Thanos. Or they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. After a point I stopped caring.

I finally convinced myself that this isn't what Lucy would have wanted. She would be devastated to know I reverted back to my old ways. I'm despicable without her by my side. I had so much blood on my hands now. She would hate me if she was back. But I didn't care. I had tried finding a way to bring her back. Thanos was long dead. Those useless Avengers were doing nothing. I read countless books about ways to bring back the dead. But I had to have her body physically with me.

And she wasn't here.

I sit at the table by myself, staring at the bland food in front of me. I didn't want to eat. I didn't want to sleep. I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted Lucy back. She had to come back. She just had to. I had to have her with me. I need my Lucy.

Five years.

I don't know why I've remained on Earth this long. I have nothing here for me. I have absolutely nothing left. But where would I go? I don't have a home. Not anymore.

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