Chapter 15

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Lucy's POV:

I sit pouting on the couch, my hands tied in front of me. My legs are also tied and it makes it extremely difficult to move.

Loki proudly eats his cheeseburgers and I grumble and glower over at him, but he doesn't seem to care.

After I confidently asked what he would do about me not giving him lunch, he got this really strange look in his eyes and started to walk towards me. I ran from him and he chased me. I quickly lost the little game of tag because he teleported right in front of me as I was on my way to the bathroom.

I had planned to lock myself in but I never got the chance. He stopped me from going in there and I tried to run again. He created a duplicate of himself and trapped me in the hallway. Seeing two of him caused me to scream. Needless to say I was a little freaked out but also upset because he cheated.

He tried to grab the bag from me but I refused to, and it almost ended up with me ripping the bag in two. Loki snapped his fingers as I tried to run again and my legs ended up being tied together and I plopped on the ground. He grabbed the bag from my hands and snapped his fingers again and poof, my hands were tied.

Loki threw me over his shoulder with one hand and carried his cheeseburgers in the other.

And now I'm stuck on the couch while this arrogant bastard gets to eat.

Loki grins at me after he finishes his second burger and I huff, looking away from him.

"Aww, come on Lucy, don't be so upset. You should've known you would lose against a god." He chuckles and I try to cross my arms but can't because I'm all tied up.

"You could have untied me." I grumble and he puts a finger on my chin and makes me look back at him. He looks way too cocky right now.

"It's so much more fun this way." He coos and I stick my tongue out at him childishly. A smirk appears on his lips and he shakes his head, letting me go. "I would be careful doing that, my dear. Don't entice me." He says and I look at him in disbelief.

"I'm not enticing you!" I say and Loki chuckles.

"You are always enticing, Lucy."

I look away from his eyes and down at my hands. He's always doing this to me.

"Why are your cheeks so red?" he asks sincerely and his comment only makes them get worse.

"Because of what you say. You always say such pleasing things but I don't know if you ever mean any of them, and I get flustered and embarrassed and I don't know how to handle it. It doesn't help that you're really attractive and smooth with your words. It's like you always have the best thing to say and I just don't know how to take it." I ramble, keeping my eyes down on my hands, twiddling my thumbs. I do not know why I just admitted all of that. I do stupid things when I'm nervous.

I need two drink Lucy to have this conversation for me.

Loki's hand closes over both of mine and I slowly look up at him. He has such an endearing look on his face. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"You say all these things about me and I'm just as enthralled. Everything you do catches me by surprise. It's quite astounding how you act, react, and speak with me," he murmurs and my heartbeat picks up to the point I can hear it in my ears.

"You have no idea what you've done to me, Lucy."

I try to shift my weight to face him better, but because of my lack of hands or feet to keep me stable, I become unsteady. My body shifts sideways and I fear I'll fall off the couch. Loki wraps an arm around my waist so I don't fall and positions me instead. His hand stays on the small of my back as my head is rested upon one of the couch pillows.

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