Chapter 5

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Lucy's POV:

Piddles was becoming increasingly more active the more he stayed around my house. He must be incredibly restless because of his injuries, but it also seems like he doesn't let that stop him from getting into mischief.

Watching him try to do all these different things with stints on his legs was absolutely hilarious though. He had valiant efforts, but sometimes he would quite literally fall on his face. Every time he tried to accomplish something but couldn't, a certain amount of irritation was on his cute little face and it made me want to laugh.

He really is a peculiar dog.

Whoever hurt him before was stupid. They missed out on a wonderful creature.

However, this wonderful creature of mine really needed a bath.

Especially after checking his bandages this afternoon, it was clear to me that he needed a good rinse. It'll keep infection out of his wounds and he is going to swell so much better afterwards.

I was thinking about just letting him shower with me, but I think it'd be too difficult because of his injuries. So he gets the tub to himself.

"Come on, Piddles," I say as I grab him, and he grumpily huffs at me. Ignoring his pleas to be left alone, I pick him up and take him to the tub. "You definitely need a bath."

I close the bathroom door and set him down. Not like he could really run away from me right now, but I didn't want him attempting to escape. I have no idea how he is going to respond to the water, so I don't want to take any chances.

Once the water is warm I plug the tub up and let it fill some. It would be so much easier to just wash him all at once this way. I take the stints off of Piddles and remove the bandage around his stomach. He stares at me cautiously like he doesn't trust what I'm about to do. I mean, it is his first bath, so I can't blame him too much.

I carefully scoop him into my arms before placing him into the water before turning off the faucet. He stands still and looks at me expectantly.

"Oh, you like water?" I ask surprised and his head tilts to the side.

I begin to wash him carefully, lifting his front paws carefully so I can reach the underside of his stomach.

He was very obedient and seemed very happy to be getting washed. He didn't fight, didn't claw me, and didn't cry or anything like that. When I had Lucky, she would always whine and try to jump out of the tub every single time we tried to give her a bath.

"You're nothing like my last dog." I laugh and scrub behind his ears with the doggie shampoo. Piddles lets out a huff and lifts his front two paws before bringing them down roughly into the tub, and the water splashes all over my face and arms.

I close my eyes to keep the shampoo from getting in them, and I near a snort from Piddles. I use my shirt to wipe my face off before I give the rebellious little pup a glare.

"You little brat!" I say before laughing. Piddles looked extremely amused. I playfully slap some water towards him before shaking my head. "I swear you can understand me sometimes." I mutter and begin rinsing him off.

I think he knows he can get away with things. Dogs must have a sixth sense of knowing when humans are big softies.

Once he's rinsed off and clean, I drain the tub and pick him up, trying to keep him away from my shirt so I didn't have to change. Piddles, however, had other ideas. He saw my shirt and leaned towards me, and I would have dropped him had I not put him against my shirt.

"Really?!" I groan and he looks up at me proudly.

"Then you can sit here and wait soaking wet while I get a new shirt." I grumble, setting him on the mat and letting his fur drip as I strip the shirt off that was now soaked in the front.

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