Chapter 26

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Loki's POV:

I'm trying really hard not to laugh.

Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Bruce/Hulk all are arguing with Tony about having me here. Bruce is more confused than anything, wondering how I was alive. He looked so lost, poor thing. It made me happy.

Over to the side, some weirdly fascinated man kept staring at me and asking the man beside him in a suit like Tony's if I was really Loki. Then there was a weird raccoon and a woman made of metal. She looked eerily familiar but I couldn't place her.

The group has gotten a whole lot stranger since I've last seen them.

"I don't care what he says! He shouldn't be here." Captain America says and I roll my eyes. He's always got such a tight stick up his ass.

"I thought he was - I thought he was dead. When did you leave? How are you alive?" Bruce's confused voice makes me smile slightly. He's merged with the Hulk (much to my dislike) but he doesn't seem to be the mindless beast anymore. He is still very much the same Bruce.

"It's called magic, Bruce." I say and he raises an eyebrow at me. I want to laugh at his mixed form. He looks so strange.

"But Thor said you were dead. He said they were all dead." He says and I look down. I was slightly ashamed for ignoring Thor all these years. But it's not like I hadn't done this before.

"Well, not exactly."

"Rock of Ages here fled to earth. And he let a human heal him," Tony says humorously and I shoot him a glare. He better not mock me. "He is sort of changed."

"Thanks for the support." I grumble and Black Widow turns to Tony.

"What human? Did he trick them?"

Tony shakes his head. "No, it was Lucy. You remember how I told you about her, right? How she was affected back in New York?" Black Widow and the rest nod their heads.

"That's who found him. And apparently our little Lucy changed him." Black Widow looks at me surprised.

"Changed how?"

I give her a cold stare. "Lucy gave me mercy when no one else did. I...I love her. And now she's gone." My voice is sad and her eyes narrow.

"Aren't you the one who mocked love years ago?" I can't help but chuckle. How ironic this was.

"Yes. That was before I knew what Love was really supposed to look like. Lucy gave me that gift." I say and Black Widow stares at me for a long time. Her eyes soften. It's obvious to see she's lost a lot too. She's no longer acting like she doesn't care for others.

"Alright. So you want Lucy back?" She asks and I nod my head.

"I would do anything to get her back."

Black Widow smiles, uncrossing her arms.

"Sounds like you're willing to fight for us then. I'll take it."

Captain America looks shocked at his friend's response. His gaping mouth makes me smirk at him.

"Oh, Soldier, you look so appalled. You should work on controlling your expressions."

He gives me a harsh glare and I snicker. Tony puts a hand on his head and lets out a long sigh.

"This is going to be such fun." I say and Bruce gives me a wary glance.

"Fun, huh? Last time you said that we fought Hela and almost everyone died after we fled. You did die - or at least we all thought you did. Don't say this is going to be fun."

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