Chapter 24

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I really love this song guys. Enjoy the chapter!

Lucy's POV:

The past week has been a lot of ...well, fun. Loki finds creative ways to tease me every now and then, and we either end up in an all-out tease war (which he usually wins) or end up in the bedroom. We have wonderful conversations and he teaches me about Asgard, magic, and the Nine Realms, as he calls it. He tells me stories of a place called Sacaar and the Grandmaster. Apparently the guy weirded Loki out.

Loki is constantly mindful of my back no matter what we are doing: I could be watching TV or reading and he's propping me up so I don't hurt myself. I try to protest his constant attention because I feel fine, but he insists on taking care of me.

Right now, Loki makes breakfast for us as I sit at the table. He looks undeniably attractive as he easily flips the omelet in the pan.

"How did you learn to cook again?" I ask and Loki grins.

"My mother. Also, it is very simple to cook human food. Your ingredients are similar to those on Asgard, but not exactly the same, nor the same quality. It makes it much simpler to prepare." He explains and I roll my eyes.

"Sorry we're too simple for you." My sarcastic remark makes him scoff.

"It's not my fault we're better advanced." He says and I huff at him, but say nothing. Loki remains quiet for a moment, putting my omelet on a plate.

"I want to take you." He says and I stare at him confused.

"Huh?" I ask. His words could be very easily misinterpreted. I needed some clarification.

"Well, I wish I could take you to Asgard, but it is gone. I want to take you out of this world. I can introduce you to planets so marvelous and wonderful. You would love it."

I smile at him. He wanted to show me the worlds he knew.

"I would love that." I say and he smiles at me.

"Would you go with me to different worlds?" He questions and I nod without hesitation.

"Of course! I would go anywhere with you, Loki." I say and he sets the omelet down in front of me. His eyes gleam with happiness and he nods.

"Well, then I'll find a way to make it happen."

We eat our breakfast, talking about places we can go first. Loki warns against going to Sacaar unless we wanted to stay there permanently or die because the Grandmaster would hold a grudge. So I quickly turned that one down.

"Are there any kingdoms like Asgard?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"None as glorious. But we can always find uninhabited planets, or planets on the brink of destruction and rebuild them." He says and I smile.

"That would be pretty cool."

We quickly finish breakfast and clean up, moving over to the couch. I look over at Loki, who still seems to be deep in thought about our previous conversation.

"You thinking about those planets?" I ask and he nods his head.

"We could rule the people of those planets..." Loki trails off, looking at me warily. I could tell he was a bit cautious to talk about ruling, since the last time he tried that here it ended in disaster.

"What would you do as a King for those people?" I ask, trying to encourage him. He looks a little shocked, but then a happy grin comes to his face.

"I would rule them fairly. Those who break the law are punished, those who don't are rewarded. I would have a grand castle like the one in Asgard: golden and desirable. All other kingdoms would be jealous of the realm I ruled. I'd have an army at my disposal, ready to go to war at any moment. If other kingdoms threaten us, I can easily deceive them and make them subject to my kingdom, or we will fight until they realize they cannot win. Then I would fall back. I no longer want to kill without reason." Loki begins. His voice was proud and calculated: I can tell he's thought a lot about this.

"The people would love their King and Queen. We would prosper in agriculture and developing metals for weapons, and have trade agreements with different realms all in order for our kingdom to prosper and grow wealthier. Warriors will be trained in a grand arena. Farmers and livestock owners would be in constant business." He grows excited the more he talks about it and I smile at him.

"And what about the people themselves?" I ask and he looks over at me. "What would this kingdom have for them?"

"Grand festivals. We would make festivals to celebrate our kingdom and celebrate our people. The Royal Court would delegate citizens to prepare the festival, and everybody would be involved. There would be plenty of homes, plenty of occupations, and opportunity for growth and development throughout our kingdom. Our people would willingly live under the rule of their King. This kingdom would be both loved and feared: a great power that can destroy and build. It is whether they choose to oppose us or not that would determine their fate."

"Not going to lie, Loki, but that sounds pretty great." I say with a chuckle and he smiles over at me.

"Oh it would be marvelous."

My smile falters for a moment before I compose myself again. "Well, whenever you build this kingdom, whoever your Queen will be is going to be a lucky Queen." I say and he looks at me confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"You said they would love their King and Queen. I mean I would too, the way you described it." I say. Loki raises an eyebrow. I don't want to discourage him or make him doubt his dream. It sounds amazing. But he's a god, and I'm a mortal. He easily outlives me. That won't make for a good Queen.

"Lucy I've already found my Queen." He says and I look at him in surprise.


"It's you, idiot." He says, putting a hand on my cheek and I sink.

"Loki I'm a mortal. I live no more than one hundred or so years, at best. You live thousands of years. I would be a terrible Queen to leave you after such a short time. It makes no sense for you to want me at your side." I say and Loki's gaze falters a little. He's thought about it too.

"What if I told you that you weren't completely...human...anymore?" he hesitates to say and I look at him confused.


Loki lets out a sigh. "Lucy, when I gave you my blood, it wasn't just a one-time thing. It won't just disappear whenever your blood rejuvenates. You permanently have my blood in you. That's also a reason you healed so fast. If my blood eventually left your system, your stomach – even with my healing – would not of healed so quickly on the inside." He explains and I stare at him in shock.

"I'm...what?" I ask and he sighs.

"A god's blood doesn't go away. There are old, ancient laws in Asgard that talked about what would happen if a god shared blood with a mortal. My mother read me those laws because she was afraid I would go around doing it to others for the fun of it," he slightly chuckles but gets serious. "It's a serious choice to make.  It means the mortal gains some of the traits of that god. And that person is connected to said god until...the god dies."


"Until I die, Lucy, you stay alive."

"And you made that choice for me?" I whisper and he looks down.

"Lucy I don't want you to be angry with me. I thought there was no other way to save your life. I couldn't bear to watch you die right in front of me. I had to do something. I knew the consequences and I knew you would probably hate me for making that choice but I was selfish. I selfishly wanted you to live longer so I could be with you." His words are rushed and fast and his conversation with me last week suddenly makes so much more sense.

"But I don't do these things because I feel like doing good, Lucy. Even with giving you my blood."

"I'm not good."

"That's why you never wanted to tell me about the blood transfusion. Because you thought it was too selfish of you to do such a thing." I murmur and Loki desperately looks up at me.

"I didn't feel I had another choice."

I slowly smile at him. "Loki I'm not mad at you." The desperation turns to confusion.


"I'm not mad at you. You still saved my life. You gave me this chance of living. How could I ever be mad about that? And for the matter of my – or I guess our – blood, you gave me a chance to be with you longer. Literally until the end." I say and he looks at me softly, but still stays quiet.

"I'm not mad you gave me more life or gave me a chance to be with you. I mean honestly, Loki. You're one of the only things in my life I have left. You and Anna. Why would I not be happy to know I can spend more time with you?"

A smile comes to his face.

"You are okay with living as long as I do?" he asks and I nod my head to him.


"Then...will you stay by my side?" he asks, taking my hands in his and my heart flutters in my chest.

"Yes." I breathe and he slowly looks up into my eyes.

"You will be my Queen." I couldn't exactly tell if that was a command or a question, but I smiled nonetheless.

"I would be honored."

Loki immediately kisses me eagerly, the passion from my answer spurring him forward. I kiss him back, keeping myself upright as he holds my head still.

When he finally pulls away, he has a huge smile on his face. I don't think I have actually seen him this ecstatic before.

"My Queen." He purrs and chills go down my spine. I can't help but smile back. I could get used to that. I could definitely get used to that.

Loki's POV:

Lucy smiles back at me before she runs a hand through my hair.

"My King."

Damn it sounds hot when she calls me that.

"You could call me that all the time, you know." I tease and she rolls her eyes at me.

"No, I'm calling you by your name. Loki." She says intentionally and I pout slightly.

"Fine." I grumble and she laughs, standing up and examining her hands.

" I have any of your powers or anything like that?" she asks and I laugh. I wasn't 100% sure how the magic of it worked, but I could take a good guess.

"I don't think so. But," I say, joining her in standing as she walks through the living room. "You may have the ability to do small magic spells now. I am a master of magic, after all. I could teach you." I offer and Lucy's eyes light up.

"I could do magic?" she asks and her enthusiasm with the situation warms my heart. I really was terrified that when she found out the true consequences of my actions she would hate me for lengthening her life against her will. But she seemed to accept it really easily and it seems she may actually enjoy it.

"Possibly. I'm not entirely sure. But we could give it a try." I say and she claps her hands together.

"That would be so much fun!" she says, taking me by the hands. "You can teach me everything you know!"

"Lucy, don't get ahead of yourself. It took me ages to get to this point. You are literally a baby compared to me." I tease and she frowns.

"I'm not saying you can't," I say quickly, hoping not to sadden her or diminish her enthusiasm. "But it won't happen all at once. Magic is not as easy as it seems."

"Can you show me what you know?" she asks slowly and I smile. Nodding my head, I decide to have a little bit of fun with my darling Queen.

"Close your eyes." I say and she listens, her eyes shutting. I grin at her naivety. Her innocence is incredibly attractive.

Within seconds, my clones surround her. I change positions to where I'm at her side. "Open."

She opens her eyes and screams, looking all around her. There were about ten Loki's that she turned to, having no idea which one was real.

"Clones?" she squeaks and I laugh, which causes all of them to simultaneously laugh too. "This is low-key creepy hearing you laugh like that." She mutters.

"Which one is real?"

She reaches out to the one in front of her, jumping back as it disappears. She reaches to another, her hand going straight through it and she stares with her open dropped open.

"Loki?" she asks, looking around as more begin to pop up, surrounding her.

"Okay, show off! This is not funny anymore!" She says and I laugh.

"Oh on the contrary, this is hilarious."

Lucy starts punching at the fake versions of me and I stand, patiently waiting for her to get to me. She finally throws a punch in my direction and I catch it. Her eyes widen and she screams, not expecting to find the real me. She slips and almost falls backwards, but I reach out and catch her, bringing her back up in my arms, a smirk on my face.

"You seem troubled." I tease, the rest of the imitations disappearing. I can feel her heart beating wildly in her chest.

"That was crazy." She mumbles and I roll my eyes.

"It was just clones."

"Yeah, dozens of Loki clones that surround me and all look like they could demolish me." Her words make me grin and I lean in and whisper something quite dirty in her ear. Her face turns bright red and she hides her face in my chest.

"No!" she squeaks and I laugh. I keep my arms around her for a little longer before peeling her away from me.

"You know I'm teasing." I say and she gives me a small glare.

"You and teasing always means embarrassment for me."

I shrug. "It's my job."

She swats me on the chest playfully and I smile, kissing her forehead.

"But yes, that is a form of magic I use. It is very effective. I've tricked multiple people with it...multiple times." I fondly think of Thor and all the times I've deceived him with that trick.

"What else can you do?" she asks curiously and I feel a little giddy. No one has ever been this interested in my magic before.

"I can heal, obviously. I am able to use the elements, to an extent. I've shrouded an entire field with mist to conceal our warriors to let us escape or to move us through places. I can also conceal my presence from people. I create illusions, and I can somewhat use my Front Giant power." I name off a few and Lucy stares at me impressed.

"No wonder you're a master of magic." She says and I laugh.

"My mother was the same. A wonderfully talented witch." I say and Lucy's smile broadens.

"I wish I could have met her." She says and I sadly smile.

"Me too."

I clear my throat and look over at her.

"How about we start with a simple illusion spell? I'll teach you the basics and fundamentals for now, but nothing more. I'm not going to push you with magic. If you aren't used to it, it can take a toll on the body, and your back is almost completely healed. I would hate to jinx that."

Lucy nods in agreement and I conjure an old book I remember. My mother taught me illusionment from this book. I sit with Lucy on the couch and begin to go over the basics of what illusions are, how you create them, and how they are formed by the caster.

We spent a few hours discussing magic back and forth, and Lucy always had great questions to ask about casting an illusion or just magic in general. She was an incredibly quick learner and after a few hours she gives me a broad smile.

"I think I have an understanding for it. I do have one question," she says and I nod to encourage her. "We talked about knowing what kind of magic you want to specialize in, correct? It helps focus the mind more." I nod my head with a smile. She truly is an intelligent woman.

"I think I want to have a specialty in healing. Well, if I can get this magic thing down. There is a science that connects the two and I really like that," she says and shakes her head, getting back on topic. "But I'm already a form of a healer here with animals. I do surgeries, study medicine, and all that. I think it would suit me." She says and my heart swells in my chest.

"I don't think anything would suit you better than to be a master healer." I reply and she smiles broadly.

"Don't get me wrong, I still want to learn illusionment. It's incredibly fascinating magic and the technique and science that go behind it to create the illusion is amazing. But for a main focus I would like healing." She says and then gives me a wry smile.

"That is, if I actually am magic at all."

I laugh and shake my head.

"Of all mortals I've ever known, you would be the one who could pull it off. With or without my blood." I say and her eyes lighten.

She gives me a kiss before looking back down at the book. Lucy opens her mouth to say something but stops when a large growl comes from her stomach. Her eyes widen.

I laugh and her cheeks become pink. "The real monster awakens." I tease and she can't help but laugh, holding her stomach.

"I'm usually not this hungry during the middle of the day. What time is it?" she asks, looking at the clock and she looks at me surprised.

"It's almost two. We've been at this for hours." She says and I smile.

"I can make lunch." I offer and she puts a hand on my knee, shaking her head.

"I'd like to make lunch today...I want to do it again." She says and I oblige. This will be her first time cooking since the accident. And I know how much she likes cooking.

Lucy stands and goes to the kitchen, and I marvel at the woman as she stands in the kitchen.

"You had meat out for tonight?" she asks and I nod. "What if I used it for lunch?" she asks timidly and I smile, waving my hand at her.

"Do what you will, darling. I know you are excited." I say and Lucy gets a giddy grin on her lips as she nods, and begins to get to work.

I laugh to myself, shaking my head as I look at the book of magic in front of me. Me, a master of magic, and Lucy, a master healer. What a combination to have for a King and Queen.

"We would be such a great force," I whisper softly, a smile on my face. I can imagine it now. The kingdom we would have. The life we would build. People cheering for us as we walked down the streets. Lucy in the most beautiful and exquisite dresses like the goddess she is. Everybody would love her. A compassionate and loving Queen.

I set the book down on the table. I haven't been this happy in my life. Lucy wants to be my Queen, she doesn't hate me, she wants to be with me for the length of our now conjoined lifetimes, and she wants to learn magic. It's perfect. She's perfect.

"Loki, can you come here for a moment?" Lucy calls and I stand from the couch, going into the kitchen and wrapping my arms around her stomach, putting my head on her shoulder as she stirs the pot in front of her.

"Yes, darling?"

"Can you taste for me?" A smile grows on my lips and I turn my head, kissing her neck and her breath catches as I nibble gently.

"Not of me!" she gasps and I laugh, pulling away and letting her go, standing beside her with a mischievous look on my face.

"Well, I would gladly do that too." I say with a wink and her cheeks redden. She motions to the pot of red sauce on the counter. Her pouty and embarrassed face was too adorable.

"I meant the spaghetti sauce!" she whines and I smirk. I cannot help but tease her; it is so much fun to do so. I dip my finger into the sauce, ignoring the look I receive from Lucy, and taste the sauce.

"I approve." I joke and Lucy nudges me with a smile, now amused.

"You're such a child." She chuckles and I shrug. She calls me that, sure, but I know a child wouldn't be able to do half the things I could.

"I'm sure I can prove that theory wrong." I purr, kissing her on the lips and she kisses back. I gently rub her sides, being careful not to touch her back, knowing they it was still slightly sensitive. Lucy relaxes against my touch and brings a free hand around to grip my hair. We move together in a synchronous motion. I've missed this. Freely caressing her without worrying I might cause her some form of pain. But ever since her stomach has completely healed, she's been more sure of herself with me, and we are careful as we carry out any sort of 'activity'.

"Noodles." Lucy murmurs suddenly and I pause, thoroughly confused.

"I beg your pardon?"

She looks up at me. "The noodles! I can't let them overcook." She says and I stare at her dumbfounded. Who the hell cares about noodles?

"I'm sure it'll be fine." I say, leaning in again and she puts a finger to my lips, stopping me. Lucy shakes her head, now trying to move me out of the way.

"No. It'll ruin lunch if they do. And I want this to turn out perfect." She says and I let out a sigh, leaving her alone and going back to the living room. How disappointing. I didn't want to stop.

But I do understand why she wanted it to be perfect. She wanted to show she was back to normal. The thought makes me smile as I stand in the living room.

I don't bother sitting, knowing that Lucy will be calling me in for lunch in just a few minutes. Might as well just stay standing. I walk over to the bookshelf, trying to determine what books I hadn't read yet. My fingers trail up the bookshelf until I see one with a black and red cover. She has a book from a man named Edgar Allen Poe. It looks oddly mysterious. This might be the next one I read.

I pick up the book and read the first entry and I become entranced. He has sickly dark humor. I like it. A little smirk comes to my face and I close the book, putting it back on the shelf. I'm definitely reading this mortal's work. He seems extremely morbid. I'll have Lucy explain to me what she knows about the man.


I turn at Lucy's concerned voice, my smile fading.

She held out her hands in front of her, a look of fear on her face. My eyes widen as I see her hands slowly disappearing.

"What's happening?" she whispers and my heart stops.


"Lucy..." I whisper, walking over to her. "No no no no no no no, this can't..." I say and she looks at me with tears.


"Lucy!" I reach out for her and my hands meet dust. My eyes stay wide as the dust drifts to the floor. My body begins to shake.

"Lucy!!" I shout, frantically looking around me, wishing, hoping, by some miracle that this was some sort of trick.

My breathing becomes frantic and I feel an indescribable rage and pain building within my stomach. All the plans we made. The vision of our future. It was gone with the snap of his fingers.

"Lucy!" I cry out, everything seeming to swirl around me as I look down at the small pile of dust on the ground: all that remained of the woman I had loved. I drop to my knees and scream at the top of my lungs.

He did it.

Thanos actually did it.

That means...they lost.

And I've lost her.


So ummm...don't hate me! Yeah this is not going to be pretty. Let me know what you think!

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