Chapter 32

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Loki's POV:

Things were very, very wrong.

"Oh Lucy," I whisper, my eyes wide as I stare at the catastrophe in front of me. "Please, please forgive me..."

My hands shake in anger and I throw my hands up in the air and let out a frustrated shout. 


My bellow makes the two brutes in front of me wince and shrink down.

"You guys wrecked half the palace!!" I scold, gaping at the mess in front of me in fury. Thor and Bruce decided to have a pissing contest over who was the 'strongest' Avenger and not only got into a stupid fight, they destroyed the palace that was nearly finished. Peter tried to stop them once and ended up getting chunked halfway across the room by Thor, who quickly realized his mistake as the teenager broke through a wall from the impact.

Peter now sits down behind me, using the cape I now wear to hide himself from Thor, who was trying to apologize for the second time. The first time he apologized, he accidentally whacked Peter across the face with Mjolnir and sent the poor boy flying yet again. He's lucky it wasn't Stormbreaker. That would've split the kid's head in half.

So now Peter is behind me to keep himself safe from my clumsy brother. And I'm fuming at the two morons in front of me who have done more than set back the plans for the wedding. 

"We have two and a half weeks until the wedding and you two are out here destroying my planet!" I hiss and Thor and Bruce sulk. Bruce sluggishly points to Thor.

"But he's the one who started it. He's starting to trim down so he thinks he can beat me."

"I can beat you! I beat you on Sacaar!" Thor protests and I roll my eyes.

"Thor you didn't win. You were pummeled." I deadpan and Thor points a finger at me.

"But that was cheating. I was being controlled by that little shocky-thing, remember? I would've definitely won if it weren't for that." He says with a smile and I take in a deep breath.

"Does it matter?" I ask and he looks offended.

"Of course it matters! It proves I'm the strongest!"

The amount of irritation boiling in my body makes me roll my eyes and look back down at Peter, who is still hiding behind me like I'm going to protect him. Oh no, kid. You picked the wrong person for that. I'm not in the mood for protecting. I'm in the mood to stab somebody.

He looks at me with wide eyes and I see how bad his nose is bleeding from the hit he took to the face. I let out a long sigh. This kid is too much. He's ridiculously strong but also as innocent as a baby and it makes me feel like he needs protection. And I don't want to protect him. But I do. 

The way I have started to treat him makes me imagine how soft I'll be with my own kid soon. A sigh leaves my lips. I conjure up a rag and bend down, holding it out to him in irritation.

"Put this on to stop the bleeding, I'll heal it later. Just close your eyes, okay? I don't want you to be able to say you witnessed this. And I need you to be absolutely silent. If you say a word, you'll ruin everything. And I will hurt you for it." I say with a grin and Peter obliviously nods his head, taking the rag and turning around. He – for once – stays quiet and I thank Odin for it despite myself.

"Now, to deal with these two idiots," I grumble, turning to both of them, who were now arguing yet again about who was the strongest. I slip a knife in my hand and turn myself into Peter, with an illusion of me stomping off angrily. I concealed the real Peter and my illusion begins to sniffle. It gets Bruce and Thor's attention almost immediately. I know exactly how to get them to stop.

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