Chapter 29

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(The uhh, shocked Loki face comes in handy later on in the chapter. Just wait for it xD)

Loki's POV:

I sit with Lucy after Tony's funeral. She cries as she listens to his last message for her. He had already assumed we won and had gotten her back. I hadn't even noticed him sneak off to record all of this. Is must've been after his talk with Pepper.

"I know I didn't keep my promise, Lucy. But it'll be okay. You're not alone anymore. Loki will look out for you, that I know. Rock of Ages has at least proved that much. I have a favor to ask of you, Lucy," the hologram says and I rub Lucy's back as she has her hands over her mouth, trying not to sob.

"Watch over Morgan for me. I know they'll be okay, but I worry about my family. Visit Pep and Happy every now and then. Take care of Peter too. The kid'll need someone with him. I just want you to watch my family, Lucy. I trust you enough to do it." Tony's hologram says and he smiles.

"Loki, I'm assuming you're still here with her. Watch out for Lucy. Also, protect my family. We don't usually agree on a lot, but when it comes down to it, you aren't the worst fellow in the world," the recording says and I can't help but let out a breathy laugh. "Even if you're worlds away, protect them. Like I protected Lucy. And how we fought together to protect the ones we love. I think you can do that for me."

The hologram focuses on Lucy for a few more moments before it ends, shutting off. Lucy takes in a deep breath and I hold her to me, letting her collect herself and her thoughts.

"Let's go see them." Lucy whispers and I nod, standing up first and pulling her to her feet gently. I still revel in the fact she's here with me. I will never get tired of having her in my arms or by my side.

With her hand in mine, we walk into the next room, where Pepper, Happy, and Morgan were finished watching their own message from Tony.

"Pepper?" Lucy timidly asks and the woman turns around, a smile coming to her face. She is staying incredibly strong throughout this ordeal. I don't know how she does it.

"Lucy," she says sweetly, standing and walking over to Lucy. I let Lucy's hand go so she can hug Pepper. "I'm so glad you're safe." Pepper chokes out and Lucy grips her tighter.

"I'm so sorry, Pepper." Lucy says and I step away from them to give the two privacy. I feel a small tug on the sleeve of my suit and look down. Little Morgan looks up at me incredibly sad. I bend down to see eye-to-eye with her, unsure of what to do.

"Is my daddy safe?" she asks and I wince. I really wasn't the one to have this conversation with. But I couldn't just sit here and make this small child sad.

"Have you ever heard of Valhalla?" I ask and she scrunches up her face confused. I put one knee on the ground and lift my hands, putting one on her shoulder as I begin to describe it.

"It is a heavenly realm, filled with the most ethereal, or beautiful, objects. Trees as tall as you can imagine, clouds white as snow and beautifully scattered, water - crystal clear and overflowing - cascading through the countless valleys, green grass as far as the eye can see, and so much more. The best foods in the world are there. People never grow hungry, never get old, get upset, or die. Always happy, always singing, and always at peace," I describe and a small smile comes to Morgan's face.

"Like Heaven?" she asks and I nod my head. If that's what she thinks of, then I will not crush her dreams.

"Your dad is part of that realm now, which is why he cannot come back here. He's bringing everybody to a feast, helping out people no matter what. He gets to enjoy the endless sunset, for there is no night in Valhalla. It is bright, warm, and welcoming. The sun will shine on him forever," I say and the smile grows a little bigger.

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