Chapter 23

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Lucy's POV:

It's been a week since Anna came over and helped. She went back home a few days ago because she had to get back to work. Also because she figured I was in pretty good hands.

Loki was doing a lot better after convincing him that he can sleep and watch over me. He only agreed to go to sleep whenever he could sleep beside me. I've never known a more protective person in my life. I would often wake up and his head is on my chest, his arms curled up under him as if he's conscious even when he sleeps that he has to be careful with me.

It is actually one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

Right now, though, Loki helps me walk as we go to the hospital for a check-up. I may be cleared to at least start doing normal activities again.

"You've been awfully quiet this morning, Lucy." Loki comments and I look over at him.

"I've just been thinking a lot," I say honestly and he nods, his gorgeous eyes looking over at me curiously. "Thinking about you, about my progress, and much more."

Loki smiles a little at the mention of me thinking about him and I roll my eyes. All I do is feed his ego.

"I'm doing good as long as you are. And you are healing well. Don't doubt how much your body can heal." He says, kissing my cheek and I smile.

We get inside and after we finally get to the doctor's office, he greets us with a smile. Loki looks slightly irritated at the wait we had: 45 minutes to an appointment we were early for – now late because they took so long.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," the doctor says and Loki rolls his eyes. I try not to laugh. "Lucy, if you'll lay down we'll take a look at your injuries."

I do as he says, lying down and they examine the stomach and then my back. My back was healing pretty well, although still at a slower pace than my stomach.

"Your stomach is doing great. Better than I expected. All that's left is the scar." He says and I smile. I look over to Loki, who looks relieved at the news. His healing has helped so much.

"We flew in your doctor from Delaware to give you an official update. He said your results are personal and he wants to see you himself." The doctor says and I look at him confused. That's weird. But I guess I'll take it.

The local doctor leaves and after a few more minutes, the doctor from the Delaware hospital walks in.

"Doctor Davis." I say and he smiles, looking from me to Loki.

"I can see you are doing extraordinarily well, Lucy." Dr. Davis says and I nod my head. He keeps looking over at Loki, who is both smug and annoyed.

"My stomach is completely healed." I comment and he nods. He looks me over as well, examining my stomach first and then my back.

"Extraordinary," he whispers. "A normal wound like this would take months to heal. Yours took weeks." I look at him a little confused. Normal wound?

"Your back – which we expected to need extra care and attention – is healing up well. No sign of infection, no extra loss of blood or fluid, and you can walk perfectly fine." He says and I shrug.

"Well, he helps me walk some. I'm still too nervous to do it on my own." I say and he nods. He jots some notes on his clipboard and looks at me.

"I do not believe you need any more medicine." He says and I look at him surprised.

"Really?" He nods to answer my question. The surprise I feel is unreal. I really was healing fast. Loki's healing must have been that effective.

"The blood transfusion is what really made your healing speed up." Dr. Davis whispers as he examines my eyes and throat. He starts to take my blood pressure and I look at him confused.

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