Chapter 6

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Lucy's POV:

It's almost been a week since my last nightmare. I was more than surprised to know Piddles recognized my pain and was able to wake me up. He really has become my best friend. I've taken him with me grocery shopping and to the park, where he was very reluctant to go and do anything.

In fact, he seemed to be a bit skiddish if he wasn't in the house. Maybe he wasn't as brave as I thought he was.

But, his leg was finally starting to get better, and he didn't look like a bag of bones anymore. The gash on his stomach still concerned me, but I treated it every day with antibiotics and medicine to keep it from becoming infected. Even with stitches, it wasn't healing as fast as I'd hoped.

At the moment, he was enjoying some ham I had given him. I was very compelled by his puppy eyes to give into his demands, and couldn't resist his tail wagging when he got human food.

I sat at the kitchen table on my laptop, reading reports from local news sources as well as veterinary sources. It was a trouble making sure you kept up with the newest equipment, laws, regulations, and sciences behind it. And since the conference was coming up soon, I had to make sure it was still the most relatable topic. My presentation and research were complete, but I haven't even begun to start on my speech. And my deadline for Anna is in three days. 

My eyes wandered from my screen and I saw Piddles stumbling off and I smirked.

"And where do you think you're going, little buddy?"

Piddles froze and turned to look at me, knowing he was caught. His tail drooped down as I stood up and walked to him.

He may not mess in the house, but he sure has become rambunctious. He messes with my books, tries to go into the bathroom, and sneaks off places where I can't find him.

"Come here, Piddles." I say and he walks away from me. A habit he has so happily gotten himself into. He used to really listen to me, but lately he's been really good at doing whatever he wants to.

With a small huff, I take a few steps and pick him up. He protests profusely as I hold him, and I roll my eyes as I walk back to the kitchen.

"No sir. Your leg may be getting better but that doesn't mean you have no limits." Piddles tried to give me a look that made it seem like he could do whatever he wanted, but I smiled at him.

"You really are a mischievous little puppy, Piddles." I say and kiss his nose. He huffs at the affection, wrinkling his nose. 

"You're a brat. And you know it too, don't you?" I ask and Piddles stares at me. Sometimes I really wish I knew what he was thinking. 

"I'll take that as a yes." I say before setting him down in the kitchen. I walk to my computer and grab my drink and finish what was left of it, setting the cup back down and looking at the time. It was almost lunchtime, and I still had a lot to do before the day was out, but I really needed to take a break. 

"I really need to go on a run to just loosen up. I've been sitting down far too long. But you can't really come with me." I mutter disappointed and sigh. Once Piddles grows up and is older, I'll take him on runs with me. 

"That will come later though," I say to him before walking to my room to change, Piddles following behind me at a slower pace. "You'll see me in about twenty minutes when I get back to shower. I'm not leaving you or anything."

Piddles watches as I change into my workout clothes and put my hair into a ponytail. I smile at him and grab my phone and keys, petting his head before walking to the door.

"I'll be right back. I promise."

Loki's POV:

She finally left and locked the door behind her. Once I knew she was gone, I turned back into my normal body, letting out a sigh of relief. Being a puppy was tiring after awhile. I never thought I'd be happier to be in my own body.

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