Chapter 18

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I just really love this song tbh and think it fits Loki.

Loki's POV:

I wake up happy. I look down beside me, and Lucy is sprawled across my chest, sound asleep. I think I wore her out last night. Then again, both of us were absolutely worn after yesterday.

Letting out a sigh of content, I wrap an arm around Lucy, the other resting behind my head. Not only had Lucy seen who I really was – the one who initially caused her pain – but she had seen my true Frost Giant form and didn't think me a monster. She had the gall to call me beautiful.

And she let me in. She didn't run, didn't cower, and didn't try to make excuses for me. She points out the truth and stands by me in the process. She keeps me, the god of mischief, an honest man.

She may be just a human, but she holds a power over me no celestial being ever could. Not even Thanos himself has this much power. Lucy is something completely different to behold.

Lucy shifts on top of me and groggily looks up. Her eyes were a little glazed and I smile. My poor darling is exhausted. I take full responsibility for that.

"Good morning, darling. How are you feeling?" I ask, genuinely wondering. I may or may not have been easy on her. Lucy blinks a few times before smiling lazily.

"I'm a bit sore." She murmurs and I frown a bit. Oops.

"I'm sorry." My apology gets waved off by Lucy.

"Don't be. I never said I regretted it." She comments with a shy smile and I laugh. Well, I suppose that works.

"You are one of a kind, Lucy." I chuckle and she tries to blink the weariness out of her eyes.

"Well, I try." She teases and looks up at me.

"How are you this morning?" she asks and I can see the shyness and unsureness in her eyes. I don't know how she could be so unsure of herself after all this time.

"I am better than I've ever been." I admit honestly and a smile comes to her face. I lean down and kiss her forehead.

"Me too." Lucy whispers and moves to get out of bed. She tosses the covers off of her and gets up slowly, and I see her wince slightly as she stands. I feel both guilty and proud.

I let out a long whistle as I let my eyes go over her. She never did get her shirt back on last night. Lucy looks at me confused before looking down, noticing how exposed she was.

Her cheeks turned red instantly.

"If you don't put some clothes on, Lucy, we're going to end up back in this bed all day." I croon and she gets flustered at my statement. The fact that she's still so embarrassed, despite our intimacy last night, is actually quite adorable.

"I was going to get clothes on!" she quickly darts out of my room and I laugh, sitting up myself. She needed to get clothes on, and I needed to shower.

I put on sweats – more for Lucy's sake – and walk through her room to the bathroom. She was by her dresser picking out some pants and I told her I was going to take a bath.

I turn on the hot water and smile to myself. Maybe this type of living wasn't so bad. Maybe I could get used to Lucy. I quite loved the idea.

Lucy's POV:

My heart was still thumping hard in my chest, despite the soreness of my thighs. I absentmindedly did chores around the house and even started on breakfast, but all I could think of was last night. Loki was definitely blessed, that much I know.

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