Chapter 28

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(So I only saw Endgame like 2-3 times, so if the fighting isn't 100% accurate, FIGHT ME)

Loki's POV:

I wince as I push myself up and look around me. Everything is destroyed and on fire. Wreckage is everywhere.

I look around desperately until I see Thor standing to his feet, bleeding but otherwise okay. I stagger as I get up, hissing in pain as I look down. There was a large shard of glass in my left thigh.

"Lucy would kill me for hurting the same leg twice," I grumble, yanking the glass out and placing my hand over my thigh, stopping the bleeding with my healing.

"Brother!" Thor's concerned voice makes me turn and he puts his arms on my shoulder and chest to support me. "Loki are you okay? Your face is bleeding!" he says and I give him a wry smile, standing straight.

"You are too, brother." I motion to his arm and he frowns.

"We'll be fine. We can't be taken down that easily. If we were, we wouldn't be here." I joke and he grins, both of us walking towards what was left of the exit. As soon as we walked outside, I froze.


He sits on some sort of rubble big enough to support his weight. Fear builds in my stomach and a visceral sensation almost makes me unable to breathe.

Thor and I are soon joined by Tony and Steve; all of us looking down at him with unease and anger. He watches us amused. Steve and Tony make remarks about how he's sitting there, and how he absolutely cannot get his hands on the gauntlet. We all agree with that.

"As long as we're in agreement then," Thor says, lifting his arms and lighting flashes all around him, and he holds Stormbreaker and Mjolnir in each hand. "Let's kill him proper this time."

All of us slowly descend down the hill of debris and dirt. Thanos's arrogant face pisses me off. It makes me want my revenge on him all the more.

I have two daggers in hand and stand beside Thor. These would merely be diversions for when I attack Thanos. I would not honestly try to attack him with a damn knife. That was my distraction last time so I could escape.

"You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me." Thanos's cocky voice rings out and I take in a deep breath.

Soon enough, we all go to charge Thanos. Even without the infinity stones, he is strong and formidable. He easily knocks away some of our attacks and I stand at a distance and hurl both knives into his calves. He stumbles slightly before ripping them out and tossing them to the side like nothing.

"Loki Laufeyson, how surprising to find you here after failing me so terribly. It will give me great pleasure to kill such a coward." Thanos faces me and I give him a slick smile.

"You pronounced Odinson wrong. And I will not fall at your hand. You failed to kill me five years ago with the infinity stones; I doubt your big purple ass can even get close to me without them."

My taunt works and Thanos begins walking towards me. I ready myself. I'm not the same person I was five years ago. I'm not the same desperate man who hid in fear. It is my time to face Thanos and prove that he does not have that much influence in my life.

He swings his massive sword and I dodge gracefully, maneuvering around his massive weapon with the new daggers in my hand, the blades clinking off one another as I parry his movements.

I try to jump out of range but Thanos lunges for me and juts his sword out. It goes straight through my stomach. My eyes widen in pain and he have a victorious grin on his face.

The illusion of me fizzles away and Thanos is left shocked. I appear behind him. I focus on my powers and my left foot becomes encased in ice and I jump so I can reach Thanos's head.

"Surprise, bitch."

Just as Thanos turns around, I kick him as hard as I can in the face. He lets out a grunt and stumbles back, holding his head in pain. I disappear from his reach as he turns back towards me, only to be hit by Tony.

He and Captain America were putting in good work, but soon Tony gets sent flying and Cap is knocked backwards. Thor goes in to attack Thanos and I join, icing my fists over and attempting to hit Thanos. We both land decent hits on him every now and again, which only angers him further. He lands a bad hit on Thor that sends him to the ground and out of anger I hold both hands out to him and he flies backwards, slamming into debris.

My success doesn't last long as he jumps back up, and soon Thanos pins me on the ground by my throat and chokes me. Well this is awfully familiar. I think ironically before I bring out a knife and stab it into his hand, making him let go. And just as he steps back, Thor attacks again.

I stay on my knees, coughing as I try to get my breath back, and I look over to see Thor trying not to be impaled as Thanos tries to force Stormbreaker into his chest.

"No!" I shout, running towards Thor, but Thanos hears me coming and uses my brother against me, picking Thor up and swinging him around, slamming him into me. I slam into a concrete block and cough, blinking a few times to refocus my vision. He has Thor back on the ground, and he is about to be sliced open.

I see Mjolnir move and look over, a grin coming to my face. Steve hits Thanos on the back of the head before wielding Mjolnir, giving Thanos a harsh glare.

Thor looks incredibly proud and happy for his friend and I wince, slowly trying to get to my feet as Thanos takes on Cap.

After a great effort of fighting, Cap is weary and almost done for. I look to my left and my eyes widen. All of Thanos's army is gathering.

I stumble over to Thor, falling to my knees by my brother and pat him. "Come on, brother, this is no time to quit." I say, grasping his hand and he nods. Together we get up, both of us weary as we look from Thanos's gigantic army to Steve.

Suddenly, an orange circle of light appears to Cap's left and a small grin comes to my face. "That wizard is finally making an appearance. At least it wasn't me this time." I say and Thor has a hopeful look on his face.

Dozens after dozens of allies appear and I can't help but smile, looking over to see Thanos's look of disbelief. Thor grabs me by the shoulder and takes off into the air, making me shout in surprise. Before I have time to yell at him, we are landing beside all the people lining up against Thanos.

I give my brother a dirty look and he grins at me, gripping his axe tightly and I take out two daggers, readying myself beside Thor, looking over at everybody around me.

"Who the hell are all these people?" I ask and Thor looks at me.

"I'll explain later."

"AVENGERS!" Cap calls out and I feel odd standing beside all these people, but a small smile grows on my face.

"Oh I've missed this," I say and Thor looks at me.

"What? Killing people?" he jokes and I shake my head.

"Fighting for a purpose."


With Steve's words, everybody begins to run forward, rushing into battle one last time. I run ahead of Thor (well, a lot of people do) until I meet with Thanos's underlings. I stab the first one I see through the chest and it falls to the ground.

Fighting ensues all around me and I stay near Thor as best I can, watching my brother's back to make sure he doesn't get stabbed. I'm the only one who can do that.

We battle hundreds of vicious creatures, but we manage to keep them at bay. Catching a break in between monsters, I breathe heavily, tapping Thor on the shoulder and pointing to a long haired girl who was making Thanos scream in pain.

"Who's that?"
Thor looks from me to her. " two are similar. She can use magic. That's all the time I have no, I can explain it later!" he says, thundering off and chopping the head off of another creature. I roll my eyes at him before running forward, helping some man with a metal arm kill a slew of enemies.

"Thanks. Who are you?" he asks and I nod to him.

"Loki, of Asgard. Who are you?"

"Bucky, umm...of Earth." Ahh, it figures. The weapon he uses gives it away.

"I guess stay alive." I say and he nods, both of us splitting off to continue the fight. It was very odd, seeing all these people. I had no idea where over half of them came from.

"Don't let him get the gauntlet!"


The different voices makes me look up and I curse. Thanos ordered his ships to fire, taking out some of ours and his. I dodge around the different blasts as they come to the ground before looking up, seeing some strange human in a spider suit jumping around the gunfire with the gauntlet in his hand. I chase after him. I have no idea if he's on Thanos's side or our side. I'm hoping ours.

I look around as I run, spotting Tony fighting a few feet away and skid to a halt.

"Is that one ours?!" I shout to him, pointing up at the spider person and Tony looks over quickly and follows my gaze. He lets out a curse.

"Yes, he's ours! That's my kid!" Tony shouts and I groan. He would have a stupid kid taking the gauntlet.

"Well your kid is running off with the gauntlet!" I yell and Tony looks at me appalled, about to fly off but is trapped by a new horde of monsters.

"Just don't let him die! I'm trusting you with that!" Tony shouts and I grumble under my breath, taking back off to catch up with the kid. Now I really can't let anything happen to that spider child.

"When did I become a babysitter for some kid I don't even know?!" I ask as I run, and transport myself to where the kid is. He lets out a scream and I put my hand over his mouth.

"Silence, child of Tony. I'm here to help." I remove my hand and he looks at me with wide eyes on the ground, clutching the gauntlet.

I turn around and slice the head off of a creature who got close to him and it falls to the ground dead.

"Oh, well umm, then thanks there, mister. I have the gauntlet right here. Do you want it?" he asks terrified and I turn around, the temptation of the gauntlet making me hesitate.

"I do, but I shouldn't. I'm sure no one would appreciate that. But-"

I hear a loud explosion and lean over, covering my head and also making sure the kid doesn't get hit. I look over to see someone fly through Thanos's ships and I put my hands up.

"Now who the hell is that?!"

I look as she comes to the ground, landing in front of the child and I with a confident smile on her face. I got a strange feeling about this woman.

"Trust her, Loki. We know that one." Tony's voice calls in my ear and I roll my eyes but submit.

"Take care of this one." I say, pointing to the terrified child on the ground and the woman nods. With that I take my leave, trying to find Thor in the chaos.

I look over my shoulder one more time, but my worry for the child is appeased as a group of women surrounds him and the other woman – who now held the gauntlet.

"She's got help." One says and with that I nod my head, turning and running off to find my brother.

I couldn't find him at first, but I did see Tony as he finishes off the stream of creatures. He looks at me as I approach and I see the concern in his eyes.

"Don't worry, your spider child is safe." I say and he chuckles a little at my wording before nodding.

"Good. Go look for your brother. I got things here," He says and I nod, turning to jog off before Tony's voice calls to me again. "Hey, Reindeer Games."

I look over my shoulder irritated and confused. Tony only gives me an honest smile.

"Welcome to the Avengers, Loki."

His words make my heart clench and I don't know whether to feel insanely sad, happy, or disgusted. After a moment, a smile comes to my face.

"Thank you, Tony. Or rather, Iron Man."

With that I run off, going to find Thor. I finally spot the oaf and call for him, getting his attention and he makes his way towards me, meeting me in the middle.

"There you are! I was worried." He says and I point over my shoulder.

"I had to rescue Tony's child. I've been fine." I say and he nods. Both of us take on a legion of Thanos's creatures, fighting as much as we could. Even though we were gods, we were starting to feel the fatigue the humans must have been feeling for ages now.

Thor successfully throws five soldiers off of him and I look around. "Loki!"

I turn around to face Thor and my eyes widen. The enemies were starting to disappear. "We did it," I whisper, starting to look around. Monsters fell from the sky, disappearing into dust, while we remained alive and intact.

We continue to look until my eyes fall on Tony. He had the gauntlet on. I motion to Thor and he looks over and I hear him whisper 'no' when he sees Tony's broken figure.

We make our way over to him and I stop at a distance when I see the kid and his wife over, trying to talk to him. His eyes lazily look over at me and I actually have to fight the tears that threaten to come to my eyes.

"Can you hear me, Tony?" I ask, forcing my way into his muddled mind and he looks back to his wife and kid, listening to them.

"Yeah." His weak reply makes me take in a deep breath.

"I'm honored to fight by your side. Your sacrifice with never be dishonored or disrespected. And I promise I'll take care of Lucy."

"Thank you. Stay good, Loki. It suits you."

With that his connection was gone.

I can see the kid crying as he tries to get Tony to speak, and his wife, Pepper, finally has him look at her. He smiles at her and all of us stay silent as we watch their interaction.

"We'll be okay," she says and puts her head against his. "You can rest now."

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