Chapter 8

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Lucy's POV:

I couldn't help but laugh as Loki looked at the pizza in front of him. It was obvious he had no idea what this 'abomination' was, according to him, and it was actually hilarious to see him decide if he wanted to try it or not.

"I mean, I could give you dog food." I tease and Loki glares at me. 

"Never again am I eating that garbage." he growls and I smile. I grab my plate and put two pieces of pizza on it. I set it down before grabbing the plate for Loki and putting two pieces on it. I offer the plate to him and he hesitantly grabs it from me.

"Is it good?" he asks and I nod my head.

"If you like bread, cheese, meat, and vegetables, you'll like pizza." I say and he slides his eyes over to me. 

"And the red stuff?" he questions and I try not to laugh at him.

"It's marinara sauce. Basically it's something to get everything together and make it all blend well." I say, my own description making me hungry.

I make him sit at the table and I take a bite of my pizza, happy with the deluxe deliciousness Domino's had to offer. 

Loki stares at me for a moment before letting out a sigh, and taking a bite out of his pizza. He stares at the pizza blankly for a few moments as he chews and swallows. 

"It passes." he mutters as he takes another bite and I can't help but smile at him. For such a 'powerful' god that he claims himself to be, he is such a diva. Now it makes sense why Piddles always acted so weird and pampered. It makes the fact that it was Loki even more adorable.

We ate mostly in silence, only a few words exchanged here and there about the food. Once dinner was over, I cleaned up the area and put the remaining pizza in a small tupperware to go into the fridge. 

Loki stays at the table and I look over at him.

"You can go lay back down or something if you would like. I'll be right over to check your wound." I say and he shrugs.

"Well, I suppose." he says, standing from the table and walking back to the sofa. I stare at his back as he walks and I take in a deep breath. I need to get this man a shirt. Regular shirts and clothing. If he were to be walking around my house shirtless for awhile, I'm going to be distracted.

I shake my head and breathe out, finishing up in the kitchen before I go join Loki in the living room.

Loki's POV:

Lucy comes back into the living room with a fresh rag. I was tired of lying down and doing nothing, so I remained sitting up. I could see on her face she wanted to protest me sitting, but she kept her comments to herself as she sits on the sofa beside me.

As the day has passed, she's gotten more comfortable being around me. Earlier she wouldn't even sit in the same area as me, but now she's sitting pretty close to me as she takes another look at my wound. 

I guess it's a good thing she's taken to me so well.

Lucy presses the cold cloth to my stomach and I watch as she pays close attention to the stitches. 

"You seem a lot more on edge about my wound this time than you did the first time." I comment and Lucy frowns slightly.

"Well, yeah. It's never good to rip stitches open, first of all," she says with a pointed look at me, and I grin. "So I thought maybe I didn't do the stitches right the first time. And second of all, I don't usually do surgeries on humans...or gods or whatever. It's a different process than an animal. I was really worried I wouldn't be able to do it right." she says and I detect fear in her voice.

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