Skirts, Heels, and Kicking Ass

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Inspired by amazable01's punk au on tumblr. You guys should check it out! 

Warnings: Bullying, homophobic slurs, fighting, teeny bit of blood, some swearing

Ship(s): Platonic Royality

Roman grinned as he strutted up to Logan, Patton, and Virgil, feeling oddly confident in his flowing black skirt and white blouse. Today was the homecoming game and all the members of the football team had been asked to dress nicely. Roman couldn't think of a better way to support his newest friend, Patton, who absolutely loved to dress up. Patton gaped at him, fidgeting with the sleeve of his own blouse.

"How do I look?" Roman asked, twirling around for the three to see. Virgil gave him a thumbs up and Logan nodded, a small smile gracing his lips. Patton, in the meantime, stared at his friend with tear-filled eyes, his lip quivering.

"R-Roman, you don' didn't have to-" Roman quickly cut off his emotional friend with a huge hug, spinning him around and making him squeal.

"Of course I had to! You're my friend, and friends support each other. Right, Pat?" Roman said, smiling widely. Patton sniffled softly and nodded, giving Roman a watery smile. Roman beamed at him and was about to give the other boy a few more encouraging words, but was interrupted as Patton was shoved to the ground by an all too familiar bastard.

"Get back here, you fucker!" Logan snarled, grabbing Alex by the back of his dress shirt and dragging him back to their group.

"Let go of me, you piece of shit!" Alex hissed trying to get out of Logan's grip. Virgil smirked slightly as Roman sauntered over to the bully, his hips swaying slightly. Alex laughed maliciously, his eyes filled with mirth. "Damn, I knew you were a fag Roman, but now you're a pussyboy?" Alex continued. Logan's grip on his shirt tightened and he looked like he was about to kick Alex into next week, but Roman held up a hand to stop him, smiling coldly. Patton watched the exchange with wide eyes, leaning against Virgil slightly as they wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"What did you just call me?" Roman asked, his voice dangerously soft. Alex smirked.

"You heard me, whore. What are you going to do about it?" Alex mocked, wrenching out of Logan's grip and shoving Roman back. Patton gasped as Roman staggered backward, wobbling a bit in his heels before composing himself. Drawing up to his full height, Roman clenched his fists, eyes blazing.

"I may be in a skirt and heels, but that doesn't mean I'll hesitate in kicking your sorry ass," Roman said lowly.

"I'd like to see you tr-" Roman growled in irritation and punched Alex in the jaw, unable to take his bigoted rambling any longer. Alex shrieked and brought up his hands in front of his face. Logan, Patton, and Virgil watched in amazement as Roman grabbed Alex by the back of the shirt and slammed him against the ground, following soon after and digging his knees into Alex's chest.

"Apologize," Roman snarled, grabbing Alex by the hair and yanking his head upwards.

"I'm not apologizing to a useless faggot!" Alex spat, sending a jeer Patton's way. Roman's eyes filled with rage and he slammed Alex's head against the ground, took off one of his heels, and smacked Alex in the face with it. The other boy howled in pain as the shoe broke his nose, and blood began to trickle down his face.

"I SAID APOLOGIZE!" Roman roared.

"Okokokokokok I'm sorry! Just get off me, you crazy bitch!" Alex squeaked, his voice rising to a ridiculously high octave. Roman got up and yanked Alex to his feet, kicking him in the crotch for good measure. Alex whimpered, clutching at his wounded manliness and wobbling off. Patton opened his mouth but was shocked into silence when Roman whirled around and revealed his tear-stained face.

"Nobody fucks with my friends. Nobody," Roman choked, scrubbing at his tears furiously. Patton burst into tears and tackled him in a hug. Roman hugged the loving boy back tight, catching Virgil's eye over his shoulder. The tattooed and pierced teen gave Roman a small smile and a thumbs up, and Roman felt his heart flutter.

Alex got Roman in trouble and he ended up having a week's worth of detention, and he got more insulting comments from his fellow teammates, but Virgil's little smile and Patton's gratitude made it all worth it.

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