Chapter 1

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Here we go :) this is my first fanfic but I've enjoyed so many other stories. I haven't seen anything quite like this yet so figured I would take a stab at it. It's going to be terrible but what the hell. Without further ado, here you go! This is early bullets Frank and Gee BTW:

 Without further ado, here you go! This is early bullets Frank and Gee BTW:

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Gerard sat staring off into space. He hated math and was only slightly embarrassed that his little brother  Mikey and his good friend Ray had to tutor him just to pass. Being a senior with a scholarship to SVA guaranteed, he was able to pack his schedule with a lot of art classes. But he avoided math and now he was paying the price for it by taking it in his spring semester before graduation. It was one of those "you need this credit to pass" situations and normally he would be nervous and overly stressed but he felt confident in his ability to slump his way to at least a C.

He started chewing lightly on the end of his pencil as his thoughts traveled to the past eight months. They were some of the best. He got the news from his dream college, he had overcome his confidence issues and had actually turned out into a pretty well liked kid in school. Long were the days of the chubby emo who hid in the east halls to sketch. He was also getting laid fairly regularly and as an 18 year old boy, that was his proudest accomplishment. The only problem was he couldn't tell anybody about it. Not his brother or even his very best friend Lindsey. They loved Gerard but they wouldn't understand this. They would read the situation wrong.

Gerard felt a small twitch in his pants when his thoughts inevitably led to the short, pierced, tattooed football player that he longed to touch. Frank. Just his name alone set fire to Gerard's skin. He and Frank had the perfect plan figured out. They hated each other. High school hierarchy dictated that and small minded youths made it worse. Gerard was an art geek. An out loud and proud one. And it made the taunts from Frank and his friends so easy. But Frank was questioning his own sexuality after he ended his relationship with Jamia and he noticed Gerard. Namely his body. Gerard had shaggy black hair and piercing hazel eyes. His skin was pale and he ached to rub his calloused hands over it because he just knew it was smooth. His body was perfect; he was tall and had thicker thighs that honestly drove Frank crazy. And his tight jeans that left very little to the imagination literally made Frank drool. Gerard was the reason Frank questioned his sexuality.

And Gerard always thought Frank was attractive. Outside his jerky remarks, he was short with olive skin and toned arms and stomach. He had a few hidden tattoos that Gerard absolutely loved. Gerard would occasionally sit in the stands during football practice with a sketch book in his lap but he definitely wasn't sketching. It was a decoy to watch Frank. Honestly if things were different maybe Gerard would ask him out. Maybe if Frank wasn't a total ass all the time. But that was a big maybe.

Their arrangement started three months prior, one night at a house party at Ray Toro's house. Ray was that guy that was friends with everybody. He took music courses with Mikey, took art with Gerard and played football with Frank. So it was natural that when he threw a party nearly the entire school showed up. Gerard lost track of time painting and got to the party at almost 11p where most people were already pretty drunk. He made his way into Ray's kitchen where he found Frank standing alone staring out the window into the darkness. As he turned to leave, wanting to avoid the inevitable snarky remark from Frank, he accidentally knocked an empty beer bottle off the counter, sending it crashing to the floor making them both jump.

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