Chapter 16

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I'm sorry I have to do this 😢😭


Gerard heard Frank leave in a quick fashion and he didn't understand why. But he didn't have much time to dwell on it because he needed to get this canvas to Mr Wilson in an hour. With ease, Gerard and Billie packed up the canvas and headed out, not saying much more than necessary.

Once pulled up to Mr Wilson's mansion, they tag teamed removing the art work and bringing it into his large lush living room. Gerard was way past nervous. What if he hated it. What if he refuses to accept any piece from Gerard after this.

Just then, Mr and Mrs Wilson walked in. They were an elderly couple. Mr Wilson worked his whole life on wall street and now the couple could finally enjoy their retirement together.

"Gerard" He said with a warm smile. "I've been looking forward to this for weeks."

"I've spent many countless hours on this but I think you'll enjoy it" Gerard said in a shaky voice. Just then he pulled the thin sheet off of the canvas, revealing its sight to Mr Wilson. A few moments of silence had Gerard panicking before a gasp came from Mrs Wilson.

"Gerard! It's breathtaking!" She exclaimed. "I can't believe you made this, it's beautiful and passionate!" Gerard breathed an audible sigh of relief.

"Gerard you are truly talented" Mr Wilson beamed. He then instructed his maids to take the canvas and put it on the wall where a large space had been cleared.

"Stay for tea and coffee?" Mrs Wilson begged and honestly, how could Gerard say no. They huddled around a small breakfast nook as they asked Gerard questions about his creative process and his personal life. When he revealed there was trouble with his boyfriend, Mr and Mrs Wilson looked at each other knowingly.

"Gerard" Mr Wilson began, "if you had a relationship that didn't have bumps and bruises a long the way, it wouldn't be a relationship."

"What do you mean?" Gerard asked.

"Mrs Wilson and I have been together almost 50 years-"

"But not all of those years were great" Mrs Wilson chimed in. "But if you love that boy, I strongly believe love can conquer all".

Gerard thought long and hard about what the couple was saying to him and they had a point. As upset as Frank made him, Gerard was in love. Could they work it out? As Billie drove him back to his apartment, Gerard went over every single moment in their relationship, because he needed to decide if it was worth it.


Frank sprinted into the hospital, nearly slamming into a poor nurse.

"Ray Toro's room please" He asked the desk nurse who looked less than enthused at his entrance.

"Third floor, room 268" and with that Frank took off again towards the steps because fuck waiting for the elevator. Once he reached the hall with Ray's room, he saw Christa standing there in tears.

"Oh god, Christa, is he..." Frank couldn't say.

"He isn't doing well but he's still with us" she said through her tears. Frank breathed out the breath he didn't even know he was holding. "He's waiting for you" she added.

He slipped into the room quietly, to see Ray in bed. Tears started streaming down his cheeks as he got closer. Ray was pale, sickly so, and hooked up to a ton of machines. There was a chair close to Ray's bed and Frank sat down, reaching out and taking his friends hand. The gentle touch caused Ray to stir awake.

"Ray" Frank whispered. "What happened. You looked fine this morning".

"I didn't want to say anything but my time is drawing closer. I've been throwing up every day and getting weaker. I'm pretty sure I'll be bed ridden until the end now" he said trying to smile but failing.

"Ray, why didn't you say anything?"

"Say what?" Ray asked. "I'm already dying I just didn't want to stress out more people that necessary. Which reminds me, did you fix things with Gerard?"

Frank smiled. "With everything going on and your still concerned about my life?" He laughed bitterly.

"Because you still have a life to live" Ray smiled.

"He didn't answer and I don't know what else to do" Frank whispered.

"You do. Just be patient, be persistent. I know Gerard, he'll come around."

Frank laid his head on the bed next to Ray as they both slowly drifted off into a small nap.


Gerard rushed in with Mikey, eyeing the hospital doors wildly looking for someone they knew. Down the quiet hall, Frank and Christa sat huddled on a pair of chairs, leaning on each other in sheer exhaustion. Christa noticed the Way brother approaching and got up.

"Where is he" Mikey asked in a shaky tone. Christa was so spent she could only point to the door. Frank looked at Gerard during this exchange but he couldn't bring himself to beg or even get up from his chair. Both the brothers walked into Ray's room, closing the door softly behind them.

"Ray" Mikey sobbed.

"I'm sorry Mikes, I didn't want to worry you". Mikey was one of the first to know but he was a busy man and Ray hated being a burden.

"What about me Ray? I had no clue you were sick" Gerard choked out. "Besides Mikey you're the only person to always accept me as I was. I don't want to lose you". Ray felt guilty. Mikey and Frank has a warning this would happen but Gerard was completely blind sighted.

"I'm sorry Gee. I wanted to tell you but not over the phone. The only times I've seen you was my wedding and no offense but I didn't want to dampen Christa's day". Gerard felt insanely guilty at that. Once again Ray always tried and Gerard only sometimes tried.

"Is this it?" Gerard asked weakly. Mikey clutched his jacket sleeve tightly because he wanted to ask the same question but didn't know how to form words at that moment.

"Yes" was all Ray said. "But Gerard? Listen to Frank. He fucks up and makes shitty choices but his heart is always in the right place. And for the last few months his heart has belonged to you. Don't give up on him." Gerard could only nod furiously.

"Mikey, you be the best mother fucking music producer you can be. Don't stop when you're on such a roll". Mikey nodded just like Gerard, the lump in his throat threatening to spill out into chaos.

Frank and Christa came in then, and the group of friends sat around sharing stories and trying to lighten the situation as much as possible. But within a few hours, Ray started to lose his fight with consciousness and must of known death was coming for him. Reaching out for both Christa and Frank, he took each of their hands.

"I love you Christa. I've only ever loved you". His eyes slowly slid shut and the grip of his hands loosened substantially. The heart monitor continued to beep, signaling that Ray was still technically alive, but he was gone.

It took another 6 hours before Ray's breathing started to stutter. A few more minutes passed before the ominous beep of the heart monitor confirmed that Ray was in fact, gone. Frank held Christa as she wept and Mikey and Gerard clutched each other through their own tears. The greatest man who kept everyone together had left them behind.

From the time they arrived until several hours after his death, no one left his room, not even to eat.


This hurt to write because Ray was my favorite supporting character in this fic 💕

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