Chapter 10

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Here you are, blessed with a new chapter. I miss smut. Even if it sucks. So it will be back soon, I promise 😘


To say Frank was nervous was an understatement. When he arrived, there was at least a dozen other bands or artists that he assumed were all auditioning for a spot on the label. After he told the receptionist his name, she actually escorted him away from the group and into a separate room.

She was a little older, probably in her mid to late 30's. She had short brown hair and black glasses, but a warm welcoming smile.

"As you can see, Mr Way and Mr Wentz are rather busy today, but they've made a special exception for you" she started.

The room he was ushered into was very modern looking. White walls, white leather couch, and a large mirror with lights around it. Beneath was a white marble counter with a row of bottled water and a basket of fruit.

"Make yourself comfortable and I'll get you when they're ready" the woman smiled. "By the way, my name is Alice" and with that, she disappeared, softly closing the door behind her.

Frank gently set his guitar cases and amp on the floor near the door and looked at himself in the mirror. Fuck he even looked nervous. "Come on" he grumbled as he rubbed his eyes.

After picking apart his flaws for a few minutes, he decided to use his time in this private room wisely and sat across the white plus carpet as he dug out his guitars and began tuning them.


Alice had sent Gerard to third floor when he arrived, where Mikey and Pete were. It was full of smaller offices and one large one with glass doors and huge windows. It had a white tile floor with two directors style chairs towards the middle and a black leather couch off to the side. White tables lined the room with water bottles, fruit trays, veggie trays, you name it. On the other side of the room was a platform about six inches off the ground that was the stage. It had plug ins for amps and microphones with stands.

Mikey tried his best to keep these auditions as low key as possible while still seeing the stage presence and potential of each band and artist. He wanted them to be comfortable, but productive. Pushing open the large glass door with a anchor vinyl on the front, Gerard saw Mikey and Pete sitting in their respective chairs, going over notes and ideas in notebooks they were holding. They hadn't noticed Gerard until he cleared his throat to catch their attention.

"Gee!" Mikey beamed, shoving his paperwork over to Pete while he climbed off his chair and practically sprinted towards his older brother.

Hi Mike" Gerard smiled back, letting Mikey grab him in a side hug. The brothers hadn't seen each other in almost six months due to their schedules but they never seemed to let it bother them. Pete has collected the paperwork and notebooks, leaving them on his chair has he made his way over to the Way brothers during their reunion.

"Hey Gerard" Pete smiled as he reached out to shake his hand. "How have you been?"

"I'm great, how is Mowglie?" Gerard asked. Pete was always impressed that Gerard remembered his sons name but honestly, it was a fucking weird name that he could never forget.

"He's good. Things with Ashlee are a little so so but whichever" Pete shrugged. Pete and Ashlee had been having issues for sometime so Gerard wasn't surprised by his response.

"Well friends" Mikey interrupted. "Let's find some talent." And with that, the business partners returned to their chairs and Gerard took his place on the couch, flopping down ungracefully.

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