Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to a_mirkwood_elf Who along with Carolblueeyes keeps voting for my shit fic. I love you, babes

~One Month Later~

To say this had been the greatest month in Frank's life, would be an understatement. He had recorded his entire first album and was waiting for a drop date. Every weekend he drove up to see Gerard and the two were getting very close. Ray and Christa had returned from their honeymoon in Thailand and Frank frequented their home at least one night a week for a good meal.

Gerard had also been doing well. Aside from working hard on Mr. Wilson's piece, he did several small pieces that were selling almost as quickly as he could make them. One night while slaving away on his large canvas, Billie mentioned that it looked a lot like Frank playing guitar and it made sense. When Gerard thought passion, Frank's sweet smile came into his mind.

He was surprised to see how well his piece was coming along, another few weeks and it would be finished. It was a guitar player with explosions of color in all directions. Billie always commented on how much he liked Gerard's art but this took Billie's breath away.

That weekend Frank wasn't able to come up to see Gerard because he would be working on cover art for his album late into the night but Gerard decided that he would go down to surprise him. He just didn't know what he was about to be surprised with.


Ray loved having his friends over the night before the wedding and started having gatherings frequently. Obviously not everyone could attend every single one, but Frank was always there.

He got to the party a little late but was missing Gerard so he decided to just get drunk and pass out until he could FaceTime Gerard tomorrow. Within an hour of him being there, he was buzzed and felt great.

"Iero!" Brendon shouted. "Come take more shots with us!" Frank should have tapped out. He should have known his limit but he didn't and as another hour passed he could hardly stand after all those shots.

Frank murmured something about needing to sleep it off and stumbled away from the party to Ray and Christa's guest room. Their home wasn't nearly as big as his parents, but it was still lovely and had one extra guest room that Frank took advantage of whenever he needed to.

He kicked his jeans off and flopped on the bed, his head swimming and his stomach churning. He prayed he wouldn't be sick tonight. He heard the door open softly and close, and the bed dipped from another persons weight.

"You just don't know when to say when do you" a voice chuckled above him as the person straddled his waist. He instantly grabbed the strangers hips out of habit while using every ounce of strength he possessed to open his eyes. His soft smile quickly turned to a frown and he was almost certain he was going to throw up when he saw who lingered above him.

It wasn't Gerard. It was Jamia.

"What the fuck-" Frank started to speak before he was cut off by Jamia crashing her lips into his. Frank started shaking his head vigorously, trying to detach her lips from his.

When she finally did let go, she sat back up and pulled her shirt off, exposing her bra as her skirt was hiked up to her hips, so she could comfortably straddle Frank.

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