Chapter 4

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Whether you dirty birdies want it or not, smut is happening. HEY-YO!


Gerard sat on the basement steps waiting for the almost silent rapping of the back door. Frank must have driven there at breakneck speed because Gerard felt like he was only sitting there for a moment before he heard it. Jumping up he opened the door, internally thankful he thought to oil the hinges recently so it wouldn't squeak.

"Mikey is upstairs so we have to be quiet" Gerard whispered as he stood in the doorway preventing Frank from entering.

"Take your own advice, princess, I'm not the one that sounds like a fucking porn star" Frank shot back. He was clearly annoyed which meant angry sex. Angry rough sex was Gerard's favorite. He grabbed Frank's shirt and yanked him inside quickly, nearly causing the latter to fall but he caught himself as they made their way down the steps and to Gerard's bedroom door.

Frank took Gerard's warning seriously though and instead of pinning him up against the door or wall, he pulled him in close to his body, using his left hand to wrap around the small of his back, keeping him in place. Frank's right hand came up and grabbed the sides of Gerard's cheeks, causing his lips to pucker out.

"You think that little fucking stunt at the movies is something I would be able to let slide? Absolutely not, whore. You're going to pay for that" Frank growled lowly. He pulled Gerard down until he was laying on the carpet on his back with Frank straddling his hips.

Frank took his belt off quickly and grabbed both of Gerard's wrists, binding them together tightly and threading the belt through the leg of one of the bed posts. This successfully trapped Gerard's hands above his head so he couldn't touch himself, or better yet, Frank. Gerard enjoyed the quickie sessions in the shed, but here in his bedroom, they could take their time. Explore kinks they liked and didn't like. Apparently, Gerard loved being tied up and Frank loved edging Gerard until he was screaming and begging and almost crying.  Tonight his plan was to make Gerard cry.

Once Frank felt confident that Gerard couldn't move, he slowly slid his hands down the front of his clothed chest, causing the older boy to tremble with anticipation. He knew what Frank was planning to do, but his stubborn ass was going to avoid caving for as long as humanly possible. He would crack though. Gerard always cracked.

Once Frank's hands reached the hem of his shirt, he slid his hands underneath, causing Gerard to jump slightly at the warm touch. Frank's hands made their way back up until he reached both Gerard's nipples, pinching and rubbing them until they were hard. Gerard began to mewl, letting his head drop back as he enjoyed the delicious assault on his body.

But Frank quickly grew tired of this. Gerard wasn't begging and that needed to change. Frank's hands roamed back down as he cupped the prominent bulge in the older boy's jeans. This caused Gerard to release a choked off gasp. Frank started running the heel of his hand roughly over Gerard's member feeling it quickly harden. The boy under him also started to moan a little more now.

"Sorry Gee" Frank drawled out. "These pants need to come off.

"Please" Gerard whispered. Frank felt a pang of pride rip through his chest. They had only been at this not five minutes yet and Gerard was already starting to show weakness.

With surprising ease, Frank was able to unbutton and start pulling those tight jeans down that Gerard insisted to wear. Frank never complained though. His dick and ass always looked fucking phenomenal. Once they were pulled all the way off and tossed to some unknown corner without a care, Frank's mouth started to water at the small wet spot on Gerard's dark blue boxers.

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