Chapter 11

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I really hope my quick writing of this story isn't, like, butchering it. I've been writing this thing in my head for almost six months so it's just bursting out of me. Plus as much as I love other people's fan fics, I hate waiting three months for an update. So trying to give all you dirty birdies as little time between updates as possible 😬


Frank groaned as his cell phone vibrated on the wooden night stand next to him, signaling an incoming call. Frank got pretty drunk and Mikey figured it was best to put him up in a hotel for the night so he didn't drive home. Of course being New York, Mikey had to put him in a pretty pricy room, but he didn't mind. Frank was going to be big.

It took a lot of effort for Frank to open his eye just a sliver to find his phone next to him and he pressed ANSWER holding it up to his ear.

"Who ever this is, fuck you" he groaned.

"Hey Frankie!" Ray's vibrant voice echoed through his pounding headache.

"Again. Fuck. You." He moaned as he tried to hang up.

"Ok, ok, fuck me and all but wait because you're going to want to hear this" Ray said with a strange amount of giddiness in his voice.

"Better be fucking good" Frank mumbled. Unless someone was dying, he just didn't give a fuck right now.

"Well I proposed to Christa last night. I took your advice and figured she deserved to have a big beautiful wedding before I go". Frank smiled even in his haze.

"Good for you man, congrats but it couldn't wait until later?" Frank's raspy voice said.

"What do you mean? It's like eleven in the morning".

"Well I uh, got a little drunk ... last night. I auditioned for Mikey's label and he signed me". Frank was definitely not expecting the nearly ear piercing scream that came from his friend at the other end of the line.

"Jesus, Ray! Hangover!" Frank said.

"I'm sorry but that's fucking amazing! I - wait ... how did you set that up?" Inquired Ray.

"Funny story. I stole his number from your phone. You kept insisting I go through Gerard and I didn't feel that I needed to". Frank heard Ray laugh at the other end.

"You're lucky I like your small tattooed ass" Ray chuckled.

"Great. Like it better later" Frank groaned again as he hung up. He knew Ray wouldn't be mad and he would get the entire story from him later after some breakfast and maybe fresh air.

As Frank rolled over onto his back he started going through the memories of last night. That not great looking girl at the bar that would have been a totally easy fuck if he could close the deal before her boyfriend showed up. And Gerard stomping away like a pissed of teenager. He had to make sure Gerard was ok, but apparently his body took over and kissed him.

That kiss. It was wonderful and amazing and fantastic. Gerard's lips were sweet just like candy and his tongue was smooth as silk. He tasted different yet familiar at the same time. He wasn't expecting the harsh shove to the chest that nearly sent him landing on his ass.

"I can't do this" he heard Gerard say quietly as he practically ran out of the bathroom.

"Gerard! Wait!" Frank called but there was no way he could move as fast as Gerard was in his current state. Stepping out of the bathroom, he watched a flash of red hair slip out the door and he started towards the exit before he was stopped by Mikey.

"What's wrong with Gerard? What did you do?" Mikey demanded.

"I didn't do anything we were talking and I just kissed him and he bolted and I need to find him" Frank spoke quickly, not even realizing what he just told the moderately sober Mikey.

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