Chapter 7

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How are you? Welcome back to another installment of TCFT. How you doin'? Hope you enjoy :)


Frank was on cloud fucking 9 while they waited for their meal. He loved getting tattoos but watching Ray squirm while getting his made Frank's pain totally worth it. Lou wasn't there, but a cute little girl with blonde hair worked on both of them and Frank's dumb ass tried hard to flirt. He couldn't help it, if he saw a pretty girl, his fuck boy just came flying out of him.

Frank settled on a simple "let love in" on his neck. Ray went with Christa's name in cursive on his wrist. When Frank asked if he really wanted to do that, Ray said "I'm dying soon and she is the love of my life". That gave Frank the greatest idea.

"Why don't you two get married?" He said excitedly.

"What?" Ray squeaked in surprise. "We've only been together a couple of years and never talked about marriage."

"How long is a couple" Frank said with a mouthful of veggie burger.

"Um" Ray hesitated. "Like six?"

"Jesus Christ, man what the hell" Frank said nearly choking on his food.

"Well just when we would have started having that conversation I got sick and the both of us only focused on that". Ray said.

"Come on, man. Christa has been through a lot, the least you can do is give her your last name" Frank replied.

"Says the guy with years of marriage experience" Ray shot back with a smile.

"I may not have been married but, I've seen ... a lot ... of marriages" Frank spoke slowly.

"You mean you broke up a lot of marriages" Ray laughed, shoving Frank playfully.

"It's not my fault that I'm hot as hell and my dick is awesome. Just ask Ger-" Frank stopped himself suddenly. He couldn't believe he was almost about to spill his secret that he hadn't even thought about for years.

"What?" Ray said, his interest clearly piqued.

"I didn't say anything" Frank brushed off.

"No you were about to say a name. What name?" Ray prodded.

"Nothing. I was just going to say - uh - Ger-Mia ... yeah Jamia". Frank's big fucking mouth once again landed him in hot water.

"I don't believe you" Ray spoke, "but clearly you don't want to talk about it so I'll leave it alone". Frank breathed a sigh of relief. Anybody else would poke and prod until he snapped but not Ray. Fuck he loved Ray.

"Let's go get drunk. Wait, can you get drunk?" Frank asked.

"Frank, I'm dying, I don't give a fuck what hell I put my liver through at this point" Ray chuckled.

"Hey! I'm trying to be sensitive, you dick" Frank joked. After finishing their meals, they both made their way to the local bar. Frank remembers so many nights getting drunk here. Once he turned 18 he befriended one of the bartenders who always served him.

It honestly took only about an hour before a voice pulled them out of their buzzed banter.

"Frank? Frank Iero?" Frank turned to see a woman about his age, with shoulder length black hair and fair skin. In his alcohol induced haze he recognized this woman as someone he knew, but just couldn't put a face to a name. After a few moments of silence she spoke again.

"It's me, Jamia". Suddenly it clicked. She looked like Jamia, how could it not be.

"Oh, hey Jamia" He slurred.

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