Chapter 2

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So here I am trying my hand at smut. It won't be good but. Whatever. We're committed. Enjoy!


Gerard practically jogged to the outside shed. With a school this size, kids ditched all the time and he almost always went unnoticed. The moment he stepped into the little space, the door was kicked shut behind him and he was nearly thrown against it. Fuck, Frank has a thing for manhandling him but Gerard loved it. For some reason whenever Frank and Gerard were fucking, Frank's confidence and dominance multiplied exponentially while Gerard's diminished and he took on a very submissive role. For Gerard, being able to let go and give control up of himself was the most amazing feeling.

Just as quickly as Gerard was thrown against the door, Frank's mouth was suckling at his neck, quickly finding a sensitive spot that made Gerard's knees buckle. "Oh god" Gerard moaned as he tilted his head to give Frank more access to his neck. Access that Frank greedily took.

"Look at you, little whore" Frank spoke in a breathy whisper in Gerard's ear. "Can't even make it to the end of the day. Have to let me take you here and now". Frank's had slid up the outside of Gerard's thigh, up his side and into his hair, grabbing tightly and turning Gerard's face so they could look in each other's eyes. It was a look for approval. Frank did this every time before one of their "meetings". It was one of the few things Gerard actually liked about the guy, because he knew if he stopped them there and now, Frank would stop. Little midget had a bit of a honorable streak in him. When Gerard threw him back the best fuck me eyes he could muster, Frank smirked.

"On your knees, slut" Frank tutted, pulling on Gerard's black strands. Gerard dropped to his knees instantly, his hands running themselves up and down Frank's thighs while he waited. He luckily didn't have to wait long, as Frank's girthy length was pulled from his boxers. Keeping eye contact, Gerard leaned forward and kitty licked the head a few times before Frank was tugging on his strands again.

"Don't fucking tease me" he growled, and Gerard shivered in response. He wasted no more time and took Frank in one go down the back of his throat. Gerard learned very quickly what Frank liked, and he smiled slightly when he started wiggling his tongue on the underside of Frank's shaft, omitting a choked off moan from the man above him.

Frank let him go at it for a few more minutes before the familiar fire ignited in his belly signaling him if this went on too much longer it would be over. Gerard groaned as Frank took a hold of his tresses once again as he pulled Gerard off his dick and standing back up where Frank left a searing kiss on his lips. Normally Gerard didn't like the kissing, he felt it was too intimate for this friends with benefits thing, but he was honestly too turned on right now to care.

Shoving Gerard up against the door once again, Frank unbuttoned his ungodly tight jeans and pushed them all the way down. Gerard kicked them and his boxers off, leaving his bottom half completely exposed to Frank's hungry eyes. Frank pushed him back against the door again and Gerard took his queue to wrap his thick thighs around Frank's hips.

"Fuck, baby" Frank groaned as he left bites and marks across Gerard's collar bone, causing the latter to whine.

"Please don't tease me Frank" Gerard moaned, which caused Frank to lift his head, locking his darkened eyes with Gerard's lust filled ones.

"You seem to forget that you don't make the rules here, sweetheart" Frank growled and lined himself up with Gerard's entrance. Just when Gerard was about to complain, Frank's hips snapped forward, sheathing himself in Gerard's tight heat all in one go. The unexpected reaction caused Gerard to scream out, and while it did hurt a bit, Gerard had a thing for pain.

Frank gave him only a moment before he started up a merciless pace, tilting and angling his hips until one of his thrusts caused Gerard to let out a long whorish moan. "Oh there we go" Frank said with a heavy tone, and aimed every thrust at that spot, Causing Gerard's moans to get higher and longer.

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