Chapter 12

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Hi friends. Another update for you because it's Sunday and I have no life. No smut in this chapter but I'm thinking in the next 😼


Gerard was about having a damn near panic attack. What the fuck was he supposed to wear. Was this a date? Was it just coffee with a friend? Did he want to look good or did he want to not look good and make Frank walk away. FUCK this is some bullshit Gerard thought. He finally settled on a pair of skinny jeans, and a cut off black shirt.

He really should be working on his art, not chasing a straight guy down for a little attention. After telling Billie he would be back in a few hours, he made his way down to the street where his car was.


Frank got to Starbucks first and was having a similar mental break down. He decided to just let the conversation take control and whatever happened, happened.

Standing in line he decided to buy Gerard's coffee as well, considering they drank the same exact thing. Once he had his liquid gold in his hands, he made his way to a vacant table to wait. He had only been sitting there waiting about seven or eight minutes before a familiar black car pulled up to the building.

Gerard walked in, trying to discreetly eye the room to find Frank. He didn't want to look obvious. Once he found him, Gerard walked over shyly, trying not to blush when he saw two cups of coffee on the table.

"I figured I owed you a coffee from last night" Frank said after a few moments of silence. He slid it across the table to a blushing Gerard who whispered a 'thank you' in response.

Another stretch of silence seemed to thicken the tension more and more. Trying not to make eye contact, Gerard looked around everywhere but at Frank.

"Gee" Frank spoke softly, pulling Gerard's gaze away from wherever he was looking and back to Frank.

"I'm sorry Frank, this is just very weird. We've never really been, like, nice to each other" Gerard stated.

"I know. But no time like the present" Frank replied with a soft smile. Even though Gerard's gaze tended to wander when he was nervous, Frank's was fixed directly on the gorgeous man across from him. His little nose wrinkled a bit when he talked, his pink lips plump and just begging for Frank to reach across the table and taste them again. "About last night-" Frank began.

"Listen, don't apologize. I didn't totally hate it. It just, caught me by surprise." Gerard interrupted. Desperate to change the subject so the blush tinted on his face would subside, he mentioned Ray.

"Yeah I'm thrilled for him" Frank said. "He and Christa deserve some happiness"

"I agree" Gerard replied. "Are you going to the wedding?"

"Well I live in the same town, so probably" Frank joked. "What about you? Big shot artist coming back for a small backwoods hoedown?"

Gerard appreciated the humor, it definitely lightened the mood. "Yes, I promised Ray".

"I guess we'll see each other then" Frank grinned.

"I suppose" Gerard responded with a similar smile.

After a few more minutes of small talk, they both figured it was time to leave. Walking outside together, Frank walked Gerard to his car, giving him what he could only describe as a super awkward hug. But both men left that Starbucks with a smile on their face and a sense of relief. Maybe they could be friends. And maybe they both secretly wanted to be more.

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