Chapter 8

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Hi friends. How's you. Let's see what Gee and Frank are up to today :)


Gerard had just pulled his car into Belleville when a familiar building grabbed his attention. So many late nights and weekends spent in that amazing coffee house. He looked at the time. A little after 9, he figured he deserved another coffee at this point. Unfortunately they didn't have drive thrus so he would have to pull his brand new car up to the building and get out.

The place was bustling but he didn't stop to look around. He figured he wouldn't know or recognize anyone anyway. He b-lined for the counter and ordered his signature black coffee in a to-go cup. The young man behind the register couldn't have been older than 17 and it made Gerard reminisce about his years spent pouring coffee and steeping tea bags here. He paid the kid and left a generous tip in the tip jar as he turned to leave.

His eyes for some reason snapped up and caught the eyes of a short man covered in tattoos with longer black hair. The look he was giving Gerard made him feel like he had two heads or something. He looked familiar but this was Belleville. Everyone was related in one way or another. He took another step towards the door until he was cut off by a tall man with a brown Afro. It took Gerard a moment to remember who he was.

"Ray fucking Toro!" Gerard yelled as he threw his arms around Ray's neck, pulling him in for a hug. "How the hell are you?"'

"Gerard Way" Ray smiles. "I haven't seen you in fucking forever. I'm good how are you? Holy shit you look great man"

"I'm good, just home briefly for some business" Gerard said glancing over to the shorter man who still had a shocked expression on his face. Ray noticed him look and motioned over to the table.

"How fucking lucky am I to run into two of my best friends growing up" Ray remarked. Gerard looked a little puzzled. Who the hell was that guy.

"Gee, you remember Frank Iero". The name sunk into Gerard's brain like a poison. How could he not see it before. Fuck Frank always looked good but he was hot as hell now. His arms and fingers were littered in tattoos. His lip ring was missing but it didn't seem to take away from his overall attractiveness.

Gerard reached over the table to shake Frank's hand. It was a sign of being polite. "Frank fucking Iero" He gritted through his teeth. He was having a mental argument with his dick who literally stirred awake and Frank's name.

"Come, sit down with us" Ray suggested.

"Oh no", Gerard began. "I don't want to impose."

"Fuck, it's no imposition at all. Frank doesn't mind, do you?" Ray looked over at Frank for confirmation.

"Uh, yeah, no I don't mind" he said scooting over to make room for Gerard at the small table.

Gerard sighed and sat down, finding his body tensing up at the close proximity of Frank. He definitely didn't want to stay now. Frank was way too hot and he was staring right at him. But they hadn't seen each other in over a decade. Feelings changed. Who knows, maybe Frank isn't a complete ass anymore and they could be, dare he say, friendly.

"So Gee," Ray spoke pulling Gerard out of his thought process. "What have you been up to?"

"Oh, uh not much. I've been painting. Selling my pieces. The usual starving artist thing" Gerard laughed awkwardly.

"Not according to Mikey" Ray interjected. "He says you're doing rather well with your art and are no where near starving".

"Well, I uh just sold a piece for $30,000" Gerard stated with a hint of pride. That was an original he did of an elderly man in a park. He found the inspiration not long after he sobered up and was spending time in Central Park.

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