Chapter 13

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The smut is back, yo. Enjoy it 👌🏻 BTW, I went back and added visual aids to chapter 1 and 6,  that way if you need an idea of what looks they have or just otherwise want some wonderful eye candy. You know I got your back 😘 the fic is like completely done too, I just haven't published all the chapters. Not sure if you guys want to binge or piece by piece.


Frank groaned as he looked at the clock on his nightstand. It was time to get up and get ready for the wedding. But he really just wanted to roll over and sleep for the next four years. After Gerard walked away last night, Frank didn't return to the party. He didn't want to ruin everyone's fun. He walked out towards his car and headed home. Frank text Ray something about sorry for leaving and they would talk more later, and after that he pulled off his clothes and flopped into bed. His dreams were haunted with the destructively beautiful smile of Gerard.

Frank groaned again. He definitely didn't want to see Gerard again. How awkward. And his boyfriend-friend thing Peter being right there. But this day was about Ray. Well, Ray and Christa. And Frank couldn't afford to be selfish right now with Ray's days as limited as they were. With a lot of strength and a little internal pep talk, Frank rolled out of bed like a beached whale, and made his way into the shower to wash the scent of failure and body odor off of himself.


The day was absolutely perfect for an outdoor wedding. The sun shined brightly but it wasn't too warm. The backyard was absolutely breathtaking and Frank found himself lost in the beauty of it all. He was oddly jealous, wanting him to have someone like Ray has Christa. Someone to hold him, cheer him on, just to be there. But Frank didn't think he was the relationship type, that's why they always ended terribly. He could never give that much of himself to another person.

The guests started flooding in and outside the typical friends group, Ray's parents were there, and what he assumed were Christa's, his mom Linda came and do did Donna Way. The backyard would definitely be full of love and support. Frank was seated in the second row, next to Christa's best friend Megan. She was cute, but not cute enough to hit on. Across the aisle in the second row on the other side, frank watched Gerard walk in, with Peter trailing behind. Gerard wore black slacks, a black waist coat and white and black stripped tie. He looked fucking incredible. Peter and Gerard weren't holding hands and unless you were there the prior night, you wouldn't have even guessed they were together. Gerard looked tired, like he didn't sleep well that night and Frank didn't know if it was because he was up with thoughts of Frank or up with actions of Peter. That thought made him shiver.

The guests were seated fairly quickly and music started, signaling Ray to make his way down the aisle. It took him a while to get to the alter because he stopped to talk with just about everyone, shaking peoples hands and accepting hugs. Frank deciphered that most people here probably knew about his cancer, if the tears from the wedding goers were any indication.

It was Christa's turn to walk down and she looked stunning, tears glistening in her eyes and a cheek splitting smile on her face. Frank was honestly happy for them. Opposite of Ray's black tux and black tie, Christa wore a beautiful flowy ivory gown that was curved and fitted in all the right places. She carried a small bouquet of white peonies and pink roses. Just like Ray indicated, the ceremony went quickly, with their vows bringing a tear to Frank's eye.

"Christa," Ray cleared his throat and continued. "You are my everything. You make me happier than anything I've ever experienced. You make me laugh when I'm sad, you hold me when I'm scared, you're with me through thick and thin. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and even after I am gone, I want you to have beautiful memories of us together to keep you warm at night. I love you more than life itself, Christa. I'm only strong because I have you in my corner". While discreetly wiping a tear from his eye, Frank turned slightly to see Gerard doing the same and it made Frank smile slightly.

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