Chapter 3

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I'm sorry but sassy Gee is my spirit animal. He has a little more sass here than the last chapter. Enjoy :)


The next week went by pretty uneventful. It was all final exams, and prepping for graduation. Unfortunately that meant very little time fucking Frank. They couldn't make the schedule work to sneak off into the shed and Mikey and his girlfriend were on a "break" which meant he was home a lot more now, and usually with company.

Gerard didn't mind Mikey's friends, they were cool. It just made it that much harder for him to get laid and that wasn't cool. So he used that time to work on his final art piece. Mrs. Richardson, his art teacher, has begged him to make her a piece all year. When she heard he was going to SVA after high school, she had a feeling he was going to become a famous artist one day and she wanted a piece to show off to students for years to come.

Gerard had no clue what he was making when he started, but after several hours, it started to come together. The left side of the canvas was smeared with red and orange and yellow. The right side with blue, green and purple and the colors met in the middle in a swirling marriage of colors and tones. Gerard felt like it was a good versus evil piece and he liked it.

By the end of the week, the piece was dry enough to bring in to school and of course Mrs. Richardson loved it. "Can I hang it in the halls for senior week?" She begged and Gerard just shrugged. No one would probably appreciate it much more than she would but whatever.

As Gerard walked out of her class and towards his locker to pack up and head home, he noticed a boisterous eruption of laughter. From the corner of his eye he saw the jocks huddled around Principle Brown's office. They basically walked on water because Principle Brown was a football coach and very rarely did any of those idiot players get penalized for much of anything.

As he kept walking, Gerard caught sight of Frank, with a big smile on his face. He must have been the one to tell whatever joke or anecdote that caused them all to laugh. Gerard's stomach knotted up a little and he didn't understand why. It was almost as if he missed Frank that week. Sure his dick certainly missed him but the long dry week without sex also meant very little teasing between the two could ensue. And Gerard supposed he missed that too.

But he definitely wasn't in the mood for it now as he silently slipped around the group, hoping to go unnoticed. Normally he would barge right through yelling "what's up fuckers" just to get their goat. But not today. He was tired and cranky.

"Hey Gee" the soft voice of Ray floated over. "Wanna grab a coffee?" Gerard smiled. He always felt like a shitty friend because Ray always really tried and Gerard only sometimes tried. But he did appreciate Ray. He was one of the few guys that didn't treat Gerard like a disease after he came out.

"You know damn well I'm always down for coffee" Gerard said with a smile.

"Great! I'll meet you there in 30" Ray said excitedly as he turned towards the direction of his locker. At least Gerard didn't have to work tonight but maybe he could swing a discounted cup or something. Gerard shoved his books and bag in his locker, grabbed his keys and made his way towards his car, silently applauding that he had successfully gone unnoticed by the group of homophobic assholes.

Gerard used to live for those moments. He wanted to be invisible. Being invisible meant you didn't get asked to awkward social situations and you weren't supposed to be bullied either. But the summer after junior year, Gerard lost quite a bit of weight and somehow found this knew voice of confidence. Suddenly people at school noticed him and when he came out as being gay and said that it wasn't a big deal, his fan base grew even bigger, but so did his enemies list. The bullying turned more to taunting words then physical hits which Gerard was thankful for. Words he could handle, fists he couldn't. It was almost like those cavemen thought if they touched Gerard they would catch "the gay". It made Gerard laugh but he also didn't dispel that thought either because he didn't want to resume being hit again.

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