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~Three Years Later~

Frank groaned as his alarm clock started blaring. He still hated that god awful thing but today was a big day. Still he figured he could use a few more minutes of sleep. That was until his stretching was blocked by the soft body of the most beautiful girl he had ever met. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his nose into the back of her neck.

"Daddy, stop it" she giggled as she tried to pull away. "It tickles!" Frank opened his eyes to see his beautiful daughter, Bandit, smiling at him.

"No, daddy needs a little more sleep, baby. Come on and cuddle with me" Frank said, cuddling back under the blanket and closing his eyes.

"Frank!" He heard a voice call out.

"Oh no B, we're busted" he said and Bandit giggled.

"Frank are you fucking kidding me?!" Gerard said. "Get your lazy ass out of bed!" 

Frank peaked over the edge of the blanket to see his husband standing in the doorway, with their one year old son, Miles, perched on his hip.

"Never!" Frank yelled and Bandit laughed as they burrowed back under the covers. Suddenly, Bandit was yanked from Frank's grasp from an unseen force as she giggled.

"Take your baby brother into the kitchen. Daddy's been bad and he's going to get spanked" Gerard said.

"Is that a promise?" Frank murmured and he knew Gerard  had a smirk that he didn't have to see to know was on his face.

"Uh oh" Bandit whispered, legitimately concerned that her father was going to be punished like she was when she snuck cookies or stayed up past her bedtime.

Once Bandit walked Miles out of the room, Gerard jumped into the bed, trapping Frank under the blanket while he straddled his lap.

"No fair, Gee!" Frank whined as he fought against the blanket constricting him to the bed. Gerard just smirked.

"Are you going to get up, or am I going to have to drag you out of here" Gerard asked with the smirk still present on his face.

"I was getting up ... eventually" Frank stated, trying not to let Gerard know how much he was enjoying this moment in time.

Dropping his playful tone, Gerard spoke again "but for real, Frank, we can't be late" and he climbed off. Frank whined in protest but pulled his tired limbs off the bed anyway.

"I know, I know" he murmured as he stood to stretch, but Gerard couldn't pass up this opportunity to leave a very audible smack on Frank's right ass cheek through his flannel pajama pants.

"Ow what the fuck?" Frank yelped in surprise.

"I told Bandit you were getting spanked. I don't want to be seen as a liar" Gerard smirked again.

Frank jumped in the shower and got dressed fairly quickly. As he walked down the long hall in their home, he couldn't help but stop and admire all the photographs that adorned on their walls.

There was a small Polaroid of him and Gerard's very first date, way back before Ray passed away. They had ice cream in Central Park. There was also a picture of them together from their first date after their little break, when they went to see the Statue of Liberty.

It took Frank almost six months to come around. Gerard waited but was losing faith that Frank would ever want him. Frank swore Ray came to him in a dream and said if he didn't snap out of it that Gerard would walk away. It was ironically that same night that Gerard was at an art gallery and a man had given Gerard his phone number after some brief flirting. First thing the next morning Frank called and Gerard answered on the second ring.

There was a very large photo from their wedding day, as well as several smaller photos. Six months after they started dating again, they decided to take the plunge. Not long after that, the opportunity to adopt four year old Bandit came along. Just when they got settled in with her, their surrogate announced she was pregnant and then came Miles.

Frank ran his fingers over another photo of him, Gerard, Lindsey and Megan. At Ray's funeral, Lindsay and Megan met and started formally dating a few weeks later. With both grooms blessings, Megan proposed to Lindsey at the wedding. Unlike Frank and Gerard, though, they were taking their time planning, but Frank didn't put it past them to fuck with everyone and get eloped on a whim one day.

Things in Frank's life were just about perfect. His first album topped the charts and his second one was also a huge hit. He felt guilty for leaving Gerard and the kids to tour but Gerard never once complained. He never wanted to stifle Frank's music career.

Gerard was also doing very well for himself. Apparently Mrs. Wilson has quite a bit of pull in her life and had Gerard's piece featured in an international art magazine. After that, the offers and orders started pouring in and he loved making prints and originals. You could probably guess what his most requested print was though; the passionate guitar player.

With all their success, and money never being an issue, Frank and Gerard felt like they needed to give back. So they decided to open a music non profit for underprivileged youth. It gave kids the chance to experience music and art that they wouldn't otherwise normally get. In honor of their friend, they named it the Ray Toro Center for Creative Arts.

That's why today was so important. They were opening up a third location in Belleville. The first two were in New York City, but Frank couldn't wait to get a location opened in Jersey.

Even life for Christa had changed. Frank, Gerard, Mikey and Pete all made it their mission to take care of her and keep tabs on her. Apparently Christa had a secret of her own that she kept from everybody; she was pregnant. Five months after burying Ray, she gave birth to a handsome baby boy whom she named Ray Toro Jr.

As Frank helped herd the kids out towards their car, he stopped short, grabbing Gerard's hand and pulling back into him, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"I love you more than life itself, Gerard Iero-Way" Frank whispered as they pressed their foreheads together.

"And to think this all started over me sucking your dick in high school" Gerard joked, but Frank could still see the heavy blush on his cheeks. Every time Frank called him by his full married name, Gerard blushed.

"Thanks for ruining the fucking moment, asshole" Frank laughed as he pushed Gerard away a little. Gerard pulled Frank back into him and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you more Frank Anthony Iero-Way" he whispered and the two shared a sweet soft kiss.

"Ew!" Bandit squealed. "Daddies are smooching again, Miles don't look!" She exclaimed as she covered the eyes of her babbling, completely unaware baby brother.

Their fairytale was strange, but they wouldn't have had it any other way. Two lost souls with two different paths found each other in the dark. Sometimes the person you least expect, ends up being the one you need the most.


And with that, this fic comes to a satisfying close. I feel good about this one. I've decided not to do a sequel, I don't think the story warrants one. I think I've tied up all the lose ends here.

But tell me what you think. I know it's not great, first story and all. But I have lots of other ideas floating around in my head so maybe I'll share them. They're all Frerard, of course. Until the next story babes, I love you all!

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