Chapter 5

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Like I said before, I believe this will be the last chapter before we time hop right outta high school. Also this chapter is dedicated to Carolblueeyes for nominating my shitty fic. Love you bae 😘


Sunday. Graduation day. Gerard didn't want to go, he could have honestly cared less. But Mom came home to watch him walk the stage. Like she achieved something herself or some shit. It was Gerard that worked hard and studied and got into the School of Visual Arts in NYC, not Mom. But at least she was supportive. She didn't kick Gerard out when he came out as gay. She didn't belittle him for his moderate obsession with comic books. She didn't laugh when he said he wanted to be an artist. Donna wanted her kids to shoot for the stars and enjoy their lives. After the boy's father died when they were young of a car accident, she never wanted to hinder them in any way. But being forced to go to graduation made Gerard hate his life currently.

As the lines of kids wrapped around the halls, Gerard stood staring off into space when a colorful square on the wall caught his attention. It was his painting, he couldn't believe Mrs. Richardson actually put it in the halls. Under it was a piece of white paper taped to the wall that read BY: GERARD WAY, SVA STUDENT.

Gerard blushed. He was very proud of getting into his dream school but he wasn't about to brag about it all around. He tried to be humble. Sometimes, anyway. Just then Principle Brown started calling out instructions and Gerard tore his gaze away to focus on the task at hand: walking across the stage and not falling.

Frank really didn't know why he needed to go to graduation. Sure, Principle Brown said to support the senior players moving on but Frank had better shit to do. His only goal was to have Principle Brown see him there, then he could sneak out the back and go home. It was a solid plan.

As the seniors were ushered in, he looked them over one by one, knowing nearly all of them. Lots of bitches he couldn't wait to get rid of. Lots of jealous dudes who didn't like Frank just because he was hot as fuck and an awesome football player. He thought so anyway. He smirked a little when he watched Jamia's boyfriend Kellin stumble on stage. Only he would show up to his own graduation high as hell. A few rows up he saw Jamia beaming up at him like she was so proud. He just rolled his eyes. Fake Jamia was out in full force today. She once told Frank she didn't even like Kellin but hoped it would make Frank jealous. It didn't. But her antics to make him jealous were annoying. If the bitch tried half as hard in their relationship as she does to make Frank jealous, maybe they would have lasted longer.

Bringing up the rear of the line was the last group of students, Gerard being one of them. He looked really uncomfortable and out of place with that huge robe on. It was a very different Gerard than the one Frank knew. He smirked at the thought of shy Gerard. Frank couldn't help but notice that the robe covered his amazing body. "What a damn shame" he mumbled under his breath. If he was going to be forced to watch this shit show he should be allowed at least a little eye candy.

The usual graduation ceremony commenced. Nerds got up and made speeches about how high school had been great to them and Frank had to physically restrain himself from laughing. The salutatorian was Patrick Stump, who Frank personally shoved into a locker at least once a week. Patrick was probably thrilled to leave this place, while Frank had one more year to rot away.

The only speech that really seemed to touch Frank was from the valedictorian, Ray. Of course it was Ray. He talked about late study nights, but amazing memories with almost every person in that room. His speech was was passionate and from the heart and Frank loved it.

After the speeches Principle Brown had decided to brag about the prestigious schools some of the students were going to. Ray was headed to Berkeley and Patrick to Princeton. It was the last person he mentioned that caught Frank by surprise.

"And our very own in-house artist, Gerard Way has accepted a full ride scholarship to the School of Visual Arts in New York City" And the room erupted into clapping while Gerard slumped in his seat and turned red. Frank would have normally laughed at Gerard's misery except he was still in shock. SVA was a great school and he had no clue Gerard was even an artist. Sure he had seen sketches and paintings in Gerard's room, but they never really sat down and talked to each other.

After that, the diplomas started being handed out and Frank figured that was more then enough school functions for one day. He got up and slipped out the side without being noticed in the slightest. Once in the halls he stopped to catch his breath. Something was making his stomach heavy with dread. Like he was missing something. Out of the corner of his eye, a brightly colored painting caught his eye. He walked over and was drawn into the pulls of orange and blue. It looked like a mix of two very different things, coming together to make something beautiful. He stared at it for a while, admiring the work. He usually hated art but this was one of those abstract pieces that he actually seemed to get. It was the bold print under it that caught his eye.

Gerard did this? Frank was astounded. Now the thought of him going to one of the greatest art schools in the country didn't seem so far fetched. This was incredible. Frank took out his phone and snapped a picture of the canvas. He never knew what he would need it for, but it was there. He shoved his hands in his pocket then and started off towards the parking lot.

Things were about to change and Frank knew it. He wasn't much a fan of change but he didn't have a choice in this matter. He wanted to redo this year again. Party with his friends, get Brendon so drunk he passes out in Ray's yard. Spend more heated moments with Gerard. No one had cared much about Frank's body or desires before Gerard but Frank was certain someone would as he got older. He was too damn young to be tied down. As he fell asleep that night I thought about the rest of his life. It was a large white canvas and only he held the paint brush. He needed to make it great, and his last conscious thought was that he was going to do just that.


Sorry for the short chapter. I'm updating this a hell of a lot faster than I anticipated but I've mentally been writing this story for almost 6 months so it's just pouring out now. Anywho. Thanks for the reads babes 😁

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