Chapter 6

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Queue the Rocky Horror Picture Show's Time Warp song right now :) BTW, this is DD Gee and Frank:

Queue the Rocky Horror Picture Show's Time Warp song right now :) BTW, this is DD Gee and Frank:

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~10 years later...~

Frank stood in the doorway and dropped his duffel bag to the floor. He looked around the dark basement room and let out a little chuckle. Mom left it exactly the way he left it when he went off to college. He looked around to room taking in the outdated posters of bands and bikini models that adorned his walls. The once white curtain covering the small egress window was faded and nearly yellow.

As he sat down on his bed a rash of memories came back to him. He remembered sitting in the middle of the room smoking pot with Kellin Quinn for the first time. He looked towards the window and remembered all the nights he snuck out to meet up with friends and party. He looked down at the navy blue sheets and remembered all the girls that laid in this bed. All the girls and Gerard.

His name set off a spark of something inside his mind. Frank smiled as he remembered all the times he had that gorgeous boy in this bed; all the times Gerard bounced against his hard cock, chasing his own orgasm. He frowned as his memories continued on. After Gerard left for college, they never saw each other again. As time went on, Frank never really thought of him again, unless he needed some sensual memory to help get off to on the tour bus. After all these years, all the girls he fucked in college and on the road, Gerard was still the only man he had ever been with. The only man he ever felt any physical attraction to want to be with.

Frank couldn't help but wonder what ever happened to Gerard. He knew he went to art school but he didn't think he ever returned. Belleville wasn't that big. The Way's lived only a few blocks away, he would have to ask his mom what the scoop was. What am I doing he thought. He really never had a conversation with Gerard before, why would he care if they moved back home. Frank shook his head and stood back up, clicking off the light and headed back upstairs.


Frank pushed an annoyingly squeaky shopping cart through the local store, armed with a shopping list from his mother. She promised to make him his favorite meal, if Frank did the grocery shopping for the week. That was absolutely an easy decision on his end, until he found himself in the pasta aisle trying to figure out what 'pasta' Ma was talking about.

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