Chapter 14

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Um, OH MY GOD this has 100+views?! The killjoys are strong on Wattpad 💪🏻 Publishing this update now but since its short I'll be putting up the next chapter a little later tonight.


"Oh my god!" A voice yelled, pulling both men out of their slumber. In the midst of their tryst, they didn't even cover themselves up so whoever just walked in saw way more than they bargained for. It was Gerard who spoke first.

"Mikey! What the actual fuck" he yelled while grabbing for a blanket or really anything to maintain the little dignity he had left. "Have you never heard of knocking?"

"Are you fucking kidding me Gerard?! We've been knocking for ten fucking minutes!"

When Frank finally opened his eyes, he saw a very red and honestly scared looking Mikey in the doorway, and a red slightly embarrassed but slightly proud Ray, right behind him. It was morning, time to own up to last night.

"Fuck" Frank grumbled as he reached for his boxers. Gerard had successfully crawled under the blanket and probably wished he could just disappear.

"Alright Frank, what happened?" Ray asked.

"Uh ... well ..." Frank looked back between him and Gerard.

"Oh god I don't want to know" Mikey groaned. "Just get dressed and come downstairs" and with that, both Mikey and Ray walked away.

"I thought you locked the door" Gerard whined, hidden under the blanket.

"I did. I guess Ray's parents have a skeleton key." Frank climbed back into bed, poking around the blanket and giggling until he found Gerard, pulling him into his lap.

"What are we going to tell them?" Gerard asked quietly. Frank sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I told you how I felt last night, Gee. It's up to you what happens next." 

Gerard thought a few moments before cupping Frank's cheek with his hand. "I feel the same way Frank I'm just really scared. I want you, but I want to take it slow".

Frank understood. He always jumped in to relationships but maybe he needed to take it slow for once. Frank reached up and grabbed Gerard's hand, interlocking their fingers.

"Then we'll go as slow as you need" and Frank kissed his palm. With that, both men stood up and began to get dressed, to go face their mortified and probably scarred friends.


The two men walked into the living room to be met with Ray, Mikey, Christa and Pete. Gerard instantly felt like they were on trial, but Frank was too tired to give a fuck.

"So." Ray spoke, but didn't continue because he wanted Frank or Gerard to start talking. After several moments of silence, Frank cut it.

"Gerard and I had sex" he stated bluntly. Christa and Pete looked shocked, Mikey and Gerard looked like they were going to die of embarrassment and Ray just looked confused.

"What does that mean?" Ray asked. Frank and Gerard looked at each other before continuing.

"We're not together" Frank began, "but we're taking it slow and seeing where things go."

"Well as long as I don't have to walk in and see that anymore" Mikey wrinkled his nose, "I don't care what you idiots do".

"Wait... what happened to Peter?" Gerard remembered.

"We kind of figured you guys were ... busy. So we sent him back to your hotel room and covered for you." Christa chimed in.

"Shit" Gerard groaned.

"Who fucking cares" Frank said. "He was just a twink".

"I have to at least take him home" Gerard responded. He didn't have feelings for Peter in the slightest but he wasn't a total worthless human being.

After breakfast, and a few stolen kisses in the doorway, Frank and Gerard agreed to see each other the next weekend. Gerard was going to check out of their hotel room and take Peter home then he promised to call Frank that night. This taking it slow thing was making Frank itchy but he wanted Gerard to be happy. If he had to wait a year, as hard as that would be, he would at least try.


Sorry for the short chapter but this is a good stopping place. We're going to time hop again a little, so hold on kids

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