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-3 years ago-

"Goodbye Lindsey..I hope I get to see you again someday." Bucky said as he cried through tears as he hugged her. 

Gary looked at his now ex wife "Are you sure this is what you want. Your daughter heartbroken and me losing time with her." 

"I don't care. You don't have anyone to watch they are no longer allowed to have sleepovers. They have been through puberty and you had an affair." Melody said then said "Come on Lindsey it's time to go." as she opened the car door. 

"Bye Buck..I will miss you." she said as she wiped tears and got in the car.

Bucky hugged his mom and cried. "Shh James it will be okay.. we just have to pray and hope that Melody will come to her senses and let Lindsey come home okay.." she whispered as she hugged her son. 

James hugged Gary and said "We will help you with the house Gary so when that day comes they can be together again." 

"Thanks James" Gary said 

Winnie invited him over for dinner and Gary had dinner with them. 

For three years Lindsey was told she couldn't have any contact with anyone back home in Georgia. Especially after her mom started to date John Thomas. He was an abusive drunk but only to her mother and it got worse after Melody accepted his proposal and moved into their house. 

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